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Internship Qualifications  The following requirements must be met for all students applying for a class-credit internship to count toward completion of a degree in the USM School of Communication:: Have a 2.0 or better GPA. Attend an internship information session to get instruction on how to pursue and acquire an internship. Obtain permission from his or her adviser (see form, page 4). Submit an internship application (see application, pages 5 and 6) to the internship coordinator and the director no later than the end of the second week of the semester. Internship Requirements  To successfully complete the requirements of your class-credit internship, each student must: Keep a daily log that describes and explains what you did each day during your internship. Two or three sentences after each days work will suffice. This must be turned in as part of your midterm report and final report. Develop an internship portfolio that includes samples of the work you executed during your internship. Submit this at the conclusion of your internship in a format that is attractive and easy to use. Write two reports, one at midterm and one at the conclusion of your internship. These reports should discuss your internship experience (see page 7 of the packet for instruction. Make sure your internship supervisor/coordinator completes and submits an evaluation form. This evaluation form may be completed and submitted via the schools website. Submit an evaluation of the internship as part of your final report. This is available via the schools website. Participate in a session at the end of the semester that includes a presentation on the internship completed. Internship Application Procedure  To arrange an internship, the following steps must be completed in order: Review the internship qualification requirements to determine if you are eligible. Attend an internship information session to get instruction on pursuing a class-credit internship option. These sessions are held during the first and last weeks of a semester and during advising in the fall and spring semesters. Discuss your internship interests with your faculty adviser during regular advising sessions at the midpoint in the fall and spring semesters or by making an appointment with the adviser. During this meeting the student and adviser should determine readiness for an internship and any recommendations of a specific or type of organization at which the student should seek an internship and what semester (fall, spring or summer) is most favorable for that internship to be performed. Have the faculty adviser complete the adviser permission form included in the internship packet. Find an internship with an individual or firm already approved by the school as s provider or one that could complete the approval process prior to the beginning of the internship. The list of approved providers is posted on the School of Communication internship website. Complete Part 1 of the Internship Application. Part 1 elicits information about you and the proposed internship. Have the internship supervisor/coordinator at the organization at which you hope to intern complete Part 2 of the internship application. The provider and the student should sign the bottom of the form. ** Note: Some organizations may require interviews with potential interns and select one or more interns based on the organizations needs and the interns qualifications. Once the student has the advisers permission slip and Parts 1 and 2 of the internship application completed, submit all three forms to the internship coordinator either in person or via email. Internships require of 160 total hours of work during the semester. This averages to 10-15 hours per week during fall and spring semesters and 20 hours per week during the summer. Make a copy of all this information for yourself (and for your internship provider if requested). Meet your assigned internship supervisor/coordinator and set your work schedule. Adviser permission form: The student listed below would like to do an internship for class credit in his or her field. Name _________________________ Student ID # ________________________ Adviser ________________________ This student intends to pursue the internship during the _____ Fall _____ Spring _____ Summer semester of ____________ (year). ______ This student has a 2.0 GPA at the University of Southern Թͷ. ______ This student has completed enough course work in his or her field of study to be successful at an internship during the semester designated above. ______ This student has my permission to pursue an internship during the semester indicated above. ________________________ ________ (Advisers signature) Date Internship Application Part 1: To be completed by the student  You must complete the following form and get the appropriate signatures before you will be enrolled in the internship class for the semester. Name________________________________________________ Date______________ Student ID_______________________ Major/Emphasis Area____________________ GPA in Major________ Overall GPA________ Hours completed at USM______________ Hours completed in major_______________ Local address_______________________________________ Phone_______________ USM email address________________________________________________________ Home address_______________________________________ Phone _______________ Home email address (if applicable)___________________________________________ Semester of proposed internship ____ Fall ____ Spring ____ Summer Year________ Proposed internship provider: Name_____________________________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Phone_______________ Website address (if applicable)____________________ Internship supervisor/coordinator (name and title) ________________________________________________________________________ Description of proposed internship responsibilities: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approved: Internship Coordinator________________________________ Date________________ Director ___________________________________________ Date________________ Internship Application Part 2: To be completed by the Internship Supervisor/Coordinator  Internship Organization____________________________________________________ Internship Supervisor/Coordinator (name and title) _____________________________________________________ Date______________ Dates of internship:________________ Is this internship paid? ____ no ____ yes Projected weekly schedule for intern__________________________________________ Description of internship duties: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How should we contact you? You will be contacted at least twice during the internship period by someone in the School. Please indicate how you would prefer to be contacted (choose one): ____ Email (email address_______________________________________________) ____ Phone (office phone number__________________________________________) ____ Other (please describe)_______________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Please read before signing: I understand that this internship is a learning experience for this student and that as his/her internship supervisor/coordinator I will provide opportunities for the student to learn more about his/her chosen career, build his/her portfolio, and/or establish professional contacts. Furthermore, I understand that this intern is to be evaluated by his/her internship supervisor/coordinator twice during the term of the internship. Signed____________________________________________________ Date_________ Internship Supervisor/Coordinator Signed____________________________________________________ Date_________ Student Signed____________________________________________________ Date__________ MCJ Internship Coordinator Signed____________________________________________________ Date_________ Director Guidelines for Students Internship Reports  Each intern is required to turn in two formal reports concerning the internship experience to his/her faculty advisor in accordance to the following guidelines: Report 1: (Due on the date below). This report is to be three to four pages of double-spaced, typed copy which contains: 1. A list and explanation of all duties assigned by the internship provider. 2. An explanation of the work completed so far. 3. A review/explanation of the challenges you have faced 4. How you have managed these challenges. 5. What your outlook is or expectations are for the remainder of the internship. Report deadline is ________________________________________________ This is to be filled in at the beginning of the internship. Report 2: (Due on the date below). This report is to be five to seven pages of typed, double-spaced copy which contains: 1. A summary of what you did during the internship. 2. An explanation of the professional advancements and accomplishments this internship has provided for you. 3. An analysis of the similarities and differences between the internship and the classroom experience. 4. Your feelings about the value of the internship program and your experiences in this internship. 5. Your feelings about the internship provider and how they worked with you as an intern. 6. Your explanation of what this internship will provide for you as you seek employment following graduation. Report deadline is ________________________________________________ This is to be filled in at the beginning of the internship. End of semester internship presentation: Each intern will produce a poster project or display that shows work accomplished during the internship experience. The intern will present those results during a session scheduled: _____________________________________________________________________ This is to be filled in at the beginning of the internship School of Communication Internship log Interns name: ___________________________________________________________ Internship supervisor: __________________________________________________ Internship location: _____________________________________________________ DateStart timeEnd timeTotal hoursDuties performedTotal hours completed ____________ Internship Guide and Application School of Communication University Of Southern Թͷ Experience is not what happens to a person, It is what that person does with what happens. --Aldous Huxley       !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123EFG h i u ! ɻh9h#jh6h9h#jh56CJh#jhjh=sUmHnHuhe"h#jh:CJ OJQJaJ hIZ hE5: hECJ hIZCJjh=sCJUmHnHu@      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123EGh 8^8gd#jhgd#jh$a$gd#jh! * T U c    < h s B + , D E F Lʼ󴸴󤕐~~~hH h7hwrs5>*hwrs hwrs:jh=s:UmHnHuhe"hwrs:CJ OJQJaJ h4Z*hEjh=sUmHnHuhe"hE:CJ OJQJaJ h#jh:CJ OJQJaJ h9h#jh56CJh#jhh9h#jh61 T   B + , D F L8^8gdwrs & Fgdwrsgdwrs$a$gdwrsgd#jh & Fgd4Z* & Fgd#jh & FgdEgdE$a$gdE8^8gd#jhO5}y<S$a$gdE & Fgd#jh & FgdE$a$gdEgdEgd#jhgdwrs & FgdwrsO56q%0|"S`a}Q]b\Yxy<Sbc.SȽhIZhE5:OJQJhe"hECJhZh dhE5 hE5h dh4Z*h#jhhEjh=sUmHnHuF&')op`aghigdwrsgdsU&'()op`afghiĵĦzlhhIZ5:OJQJhhIZ:CJOJQJaJhsU:CJOJQJaJ h';aJhsUh';aJhsUhwrsaJ hsUaJ h daJhsUhsUaJ hwrsaJhZ5>*CJ$OJQJaJ$"hZhZ5>*CJ$OJQJaJ$hwrs5>*CJ$OJQJaJ$ hZaJ*GH- . y z ! 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xx ,Internships offer students in the School of Mass Communication and Journalism an important opportunity for supervised learning in a professional settingCharles M. 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