Center for Faculty Development
University Process Resources
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Oversees preparing, managing, and implementing operating budgets
Responsible for payroll processing, tax compliance, and maintenance of the ledger (SOARHR and SOARFIN)
Oversees any university purchasing, accounts payable, p-cards, travel, contract services and property control
Assists with finding, applying, and managing external funding
Manages compliance trainings, compliance complaints, and other ethical issues
Title IX refers the state and federal regulations that prohibit sex discrimination in education programs or any federally funded activities. The Title IX office on campus oversees policies and grievance procedures, the complaint process, and training related to sex discrimination and sexual harassment.
Oversees all external university communication including the university website, manages graphic and style standards for university logos, and manages USM mailout and USM Events Calendar.
Oversees all the physical spaces on campus, receives and addresses work orders for needed repairs or renovations for campus buildings and utilities, manages motor pool, and oversees space planning/master plan
Manages all employment processes (hiring, benefits, compensation, termination) for all university employees, oversees management of staff performance, and compliance with Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity laws and regulations.
See a list of suggested tasks for new hires to complete onboarding
Helps with technology needs such as password resets, discounted/free software downloads, office phone setup/relocation, computer issues and general technical questions.
Elected representatives that provide a forum and a voice for the faculty to assert its distinctive viewpoint and principles for the general welfare of the university. The Faculty Senate acts on matters relating to due process, governance, resource allocation, and university planning.
Elected staff members serve as a representative voice for staff working throughout the University. The goal of the Council is to ensure that staff personnel have a venue to voice their views, interests, and concerns regarding their support of and function within 吃瓜头条.
Human Resources New Leader Information
Find a wealth of resources for such as training documents and videos from several campus offices such as:
- Office of Fiscal Planning and Analysis
- Procurement and Contact Services
- Office of the Controller
- Office of Research Administration
- Compliance and Ethics
- Title IX
- University Communications
- Physical Plant
- Human Resources