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Arne Diercks

Dr. Arne Diercks

Associate Research Professor


My research focuses on the investigation of marine particle dynamics, including their formation, abundance, settling characteristics, distribution and eventual fate. I employ digital imaging technologies and computerized sensors to collect the data needed to explore the particle transport from the shelf to the deep sea.
Check out my and pages for more information.

  • PHD - University of Southern 吃瓜头条 (1995)

Classical Geodesy
Introductory Oceanography
General Geology

  • Resuspension, Redistribution and Deposition of oil-residues to offshore Depocenters after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill , Frontiers, ,
  • Vertical Marine Snow Distribution in the Stratified Hypersaline, and Anoxic Orca Basin (Gulf of Mexico), Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 2019
  • Scales of seafloor sediment resuspension in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 2018
  • The ecosystem baseline for particle flux in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 2018
  • High-resolution seismo-acoustic characterization of Green Canyon 600, a perennial hydrocarbon seep in Gulf of Mexico deep water, Marine Geophysical Research, 2019,
  • Large-scale deposition of weathered oil in the Gulf of Mexico following a deep-water oil spill, Environmental Pollution, 2017
  • Sustained deposition of contaminants from the Deepwater Horizon spill, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016
  • Enhanced particle fluxes and heterotrophic bacterial activities in Gulf of Mexico bottom waters following storm-induced sediment resuspension, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 2016
  • Characterization of subsurface polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at the Deepwater Horizon site, Geophysical Research Letters, 2010
  • In situ settling speeds of marine snow aggregates below the mixed layer: Black Sea and Gulf of Mexico, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 1997
  • German (Native or Bilingual)
  • English (Native or Bilingual)

Contact Me

Stennis Space Center 136




Areas of Expertise

Geological Oceanography, Hydrography, Ocean Engineering