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James Lambers

Dr. James Lambers



BS, Purdue University, 1991 (with highest distinction)
MS, Stanford University, 1994
PhD, Stanford University, 2003 (Advisers: Joseph Oliger and Gene Golub)

2003-04, Lecturer and Postgraduate Researcher, UC Irvine
2004-05, Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford
2005-06, Research Associate, Stanford
2006-09, Acting Assistant Professor, Stanford
2009-13, Assistant Professor, USM
2013-19, Associate Professor, USM
2019-present, Professor, USM

  • PHD - Stanford University (2003)
  • MS - Stanford University (1994)
  • BS - Purdue University (1991)

Undergraduate Courses:
MAT 102 (Brief Applied Calculus)
MAT 280 (Calculus IV with Analytic Geometry)
MAT 285 (Introduction to Differential Equations I)
MAT 460/560 (Numerical Analysis I)
MAT 461/561 (Numerical Analysis II)

Graduate Courses:
MAT 610 (Numerical Linear Algebra)
MAT 721 (Mathematics For Scientific Computing II)
MAT 772 (Numerical Analysis for Computational Science)
MAT 773 (Signal Analysis for Computational Science)

  • Acoustic singular surfaces in inhomogeneous gases: A new numerical approach based on Krylov subspace spectral methodologies, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 2023,
  • On the structure and evolution of poroacoustic solitary waves: Finite-time gradient catastrophe under the Darcy-Jordan model, Mathematical and Computational Modeling of Phenomena Arising in Population Biology and Nonlinear Oscillations, Contemporary Mathematics,
  • Numerical solution of an extra-wide angle parabolic equation through diagonalization of a 1-D indefinite Schr枚dinger operator with a piecewise constant potential, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2023,
  • On the application of a Krylov subspace spectral method to poroacoustic shocks in inhomogeneous gases, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,
  • Convergence analysis of Krylov subspace spectral methods for reaction-diffusion equations, J. Sci. Comput., 2019,
  • Explorations in numerical analysis, 2018
  • Modeling of first-order photobleaching kinetics using Krylov subspace spectral methods, Comput. Math. Appl., 2018,
  • Solution of nonlinear time-dependent PDEs through componentwise approximation of matrix functions, J. Comput. Phys., 2016,
  • Solution of time-dependent PDE through rapid estimation of block Gaussian quadrature nodes, Linear Algebra Appl., 2015,
  • Image restoration with a new class of forward-backward-forward diffusion equations of Perona-Malik type with applications to satellite image enhancement, SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 2013,
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • American Mathematical Society

Contact Me

Southern Hall (SH) 301A




Areas of Expertise

Numerical analysis