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Rebecca Powell

Dr. Rebecca Powell

Associate Professor


Dr. Rebecca Powell is a teacher, writer, and writing studies scholar. Much of her academic writing centers on the dissonances between students' articulated experiences and teacher, disciplinary, and institutional expectations. She sees place as the fodder for resilience, resistance, and change. She co-directs the Live Oak Writing Project and works with current and pre-service English educators in classrooms and communities along the Gulf Coast.

  • PHD - New Mexico State University (2014)
  • MA - New Mexico State University (2010)

ENG 490: Community Literacy
ENG 400: Rhetoric of Women's Memoir
ENG 401: Composition Study for Teachers
ENG 402: Literature Study for Teachers
ENG 403: Language Study for Teachers
ENG 333: Technical Writing

  • In the Absence of Grades: Dissonance and Desire in Course Contract Classrooms, College Composition and Communication, 2018
  • Resisting Meritocracy: Students’ Conceptions of Work at a Regional University, Journal of College Literacy and Learning, 2019
  • The Awful Ordinary, Writing on the Edge, 2018
  • Experience, Values and Habitus: Comparing Twelfth Graders Values to the Framework's Habits of Mind, Applications of the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing: Scholarship, Theories, and Practice., 2017
  • Writing To and Beyond the Test: The Writing Habitus of the First Standards-Based Curriculum Cohort. December 2016., Crosspol: A Journal of Transitions for High School and College Writing Teachers, 2016
  • Manifesto: The Mad Teacher Liberation Front - In Imitation of Wendell Berry's Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front, JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND LITERACY EDUCATION, 2017
  • College Composition and Communication
  • English Language Arts Teacher Educators
  • National Council of English Teachers

Contact Me

Elizabeth Hall (EH) 315

Gulf Park


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Areas of Expertise

K-16 Writing Pedagogy, Teacher Education, Place Studies, Trauma and Narrative Writing