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Riley Galloway

Dr. Riley Galloway

Assistant Professor


Dr. Galloway is a faculty member in the School of Kinesiology & Nutrition where he also serves as Program Coordinator for the Exercise Science B.S. and M.S. programs. He earned his B.S. in Sports Medicine and Exercise Science from Belhaven University, M.S. in Exercise Physiology from 吃瓜头条 State University, and Ph.D. in Health and Kinesiology from The University of 吃瓜头条 (Ole Miss). Dr. Galloway's research expertise lies within the physiology of obesity for both childhood and adult populations. He is currently working on a project titled Physical Activity Clearinghouse in Education (P.A.C.E.) which relates to in-school physical activity levels, influential factors, and strategies for improvement. In addition, Dr. Galloway investigates alternate exercise modalities and intensities for overweight and obese adults to provide the greatest health benefit while limiting associated risks.

  • PHD - University of 吃瓜头条 (2016)
  • MS - 吃瓜头条 State University (2013)

KIN 302 - Exercise Testing and Prescription
KIN 308 - Exercise Physiology
KIN 402 - Clinical Exercise Physiology
KIN 406 - Lifestyle Management for Chronic Disease
KIN 703 - Advanced Kinesiology
KIN 733 - Nutrition and Human Performance
SKN 601 - Applied Physiology in Sport, Physical Activity, and Nutrition
SKN 680 - Foundations of Evidence-Based Practice in Kinesiology and Nutrition
SKN 681 - Applying Evidence-Based Practice in Kinesiology and Nutrition (Statistics)
HHS 100 - Concepts of Wellness

  • Physiological and perceptual responses during walking at set workloads and preferred pace in normal and overweight adults., No, International Journal of Obesity, 2021,
  • Physiological and perceptual responses to self-selected pace exercise on a track versus treadmill., International Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 2021
  • Differences of Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and Metabolic Syndrome Severity Among Metabolic Syndrome Clusters, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2021
  • External Training Load Monitoring and the Impact on Training Load Management in Collegiate Male Soccer Players, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2021
  • The impact a maximal treadmill exercise has on static postural sway measures as measured by the balance error scoring system, The Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 2022
  • The influence of shoe and cleat type on lower extremity muscle activation in youth baseball pitchers, International Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Science, 2022
  • Relationship Between Physical Activity Intensities and Drunkorexia Severity Among First-Year College Students, Journal of American College Health, 2020,
  • Factors leading to discrepancies in accumulated physical activity during school hours in elementary students., Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 2019,
  • The case for vigorous physical activity in youth., American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2015,
  • Childhood Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome., Current Atherosclerosis Report, 2014
  • American College of Sports Medicine
  • Southeast American College of Sports Medicine
  • Southern Medical Association

Contact Me

Joseph Greene Hall (JGH) 352



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Areas of Expertise

Exercise Physiology, Physiology of Obesity , Childhood Physical Activity, Cardiovascular function, Exercise Prescription