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School of Media and Communication

Equipment Checkout

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The Equipment Checkout Room staff is committed to serving students, faculty and staff in a courteous and professional manner. Likewise, students are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner when dealing with the Equipment Checkout Room staff. 

Use of equipment from the Equipment Checkout Room is a privilege with corresponding rules, responsibilities and accountability. Good stewardship is the aim of these guidelines, to ensure optimal equipment longevity and availability. Proper training, care and handling, vigilance and courtesy are essential to achieve this aim. Failure to follow these rules will result in monetary penalties, loss of privileges, or both. 

In the event of a conflict, students are expected to resolve it with Equipment Office staff in a professional manner. If necessary, the Technology manager is to resolve the conflict. Should further intervention be required, the conflict will be documented in writing or electronic form and submitted to the director of the School of Media and Communication for final resolution. NOTE: Rude, abusive, bullying or other inappropriate conduct is never acceptable, and will result in immediate loss of equipment privileges. 

Hours of Operations 

The School of Media and Communication EQR check-out room is staffed during the following hours:  

Monday-Thursday I 8:00a.m.-9:00p.m.  
Friday I 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m.  
Saturday-Sunday I CLOSED 

Check out will be closed during interim breaks i.e. Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer Breaks. Equipment cannot be  collected outside of check-out hours. It must be collected during Equipment Check-out Hours.  

Reservations must be submitted via the Cheqroom Reservation Tab by Faculty, Staff and Students. NOTE: School of Media and Communication Lab Hours may be reserved in no more than two-hour blocks unless exception is noted by Equipment Checkout Room Staff.   
Reserving Equipment 

You may be authorized to reserve video or audio equipment only after meeting all of the following requirements: 

  • You must be a currently enrolled student in good standing in an authorized audio, video, or film production class. 
  • You must have a current and verifiable email, phone number and address on file with the EQR Staff. 
  • You must have a current University-issued photo I.D. 
  • You must attend at least one EQR Policies and Procedure workshop and presentation 
  • You must have previously returned all equipment in a timely manner, in operating condition, and have a clean record of interaction with the EQR Staff. 
  • You must have turned in a copy your USM Student ID, and the signed and filled out Equipment Checkout Agreement Form (verifying that you have read, understood and agree to comply with all its provisions) to the EQR Staff. 

The ability to check out equipment under these terms is at the discretion of departmental and equipment staff, including technology student assistants. If staff informs you that you may not check out equipment, please do not argue with the staff member who declines to let you checkout equipment at that time. Accept the decision and attempt to resolve the problem through your professor and/or the technology manager. 

You cannot reserve equipment that you are not authorized to check out. Former students are not allowed to check out equipment or use labs under any circumstances. Under special circumstances, a student, faculty, or staff can request an exception to the due date of this policy if the conditions below are met. The maximum extension period for an exception is 3 days, including the day of checkout. 

Equipment is reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservation that are improperly or incompletely filled out will lose priority position. Be sure to complete reservation request properly. 

Equipment can be reserved for 24 hours on weekdays, and on weekends. Note: equipment checked out on Friday is limited to weekend and must be returned by Monday at 10AM, no exceptions. Some exceptions can be granted on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Technology Manager and Faculty Advisor. 

Students may request a one-day extension of their reservation period. Extensions will only be granted if there is no scheduling conflict. Extensions will not be granted for reservations that are scheduled for Friday returns. 

Students must request and reserve equipment via the Cheqroom weblink:

Cheqroom reservation must be properly and completely filled out, to ensure timely processing. 
Reservation requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to reserve everything you need, but only what you need, as early as possible. 
Students are not allowed to modify reservation requests. 
Additional equipment requests require an additional reservation and faculty approval. 
The earlier you make your reservation, the less chance for scheduling conflicts, and the better your chances of getting everything you request. 
Reservations or Check-outs made via Cheqroom will be picked up within 30 minutes of scheduled pickup time. Failure to pick up items on-time will result in the reservation or checkout being cancelled and placed back in rotation.  Checkouts are scheduled for a maximum of 24 hours unless special permission is granted by a faculty member.  

Check-Out and Check-In 
The reservation form requires appointments for equipment check-out. Approved equipment is reserved, to be picked up at the scheduled time. Reserved equipment is not available to anyone else. Because of the high demand, and because of the time constraints on equipment office personnel, late or missed appointments will result in equipment being placed back into rotation. 

Check Out (Pick Up) 
You must thoroughly check the equipment you receive. Unless stated otherwise, equipment kits are considered to be whole when provided to students. You must verify that the contents of the case match the content list, at your pick-up appointment. Inform the equipment office staff immediately if anything is missing, before you check out the equipment. If you return the equipment with missing items, you will be charged for the missing piece(s). 

Likewise, the equipment is considered to be in good working order and in good repair when provided to students. You must verify that the equipment works and note any problems you find. If equipment is returned damaged or malfunctioning, you will be charged for repairs unless the problem was noted at check-out. 

Note: Students must plan enough time to build and inspect cameras during check-out (this is standard industry procedure). 

Equipment Check-In (Return) 
You must return equipment during your scheduled return appointment, and it must be in the same orderly fashion in which you received it. All cords must be properly wound, and all items must be in their proper cases. The equipment office staff will not check in equipment that is not in proper order; you will be asked to repack the equipment before it is checked in. 

Late Fees
Equipment is considered late if it is not returned by 24 hours of the checkout period the day it is due and you receive a notification from Cheqroom with the exception of weekends, in which equipment is due by 10AM of the following Monday. 
First day late – $25.00  
Second day late – $25.00 (+ $25 additional and Hold on Account) After that time, a late fee of $25.00 per day will be issued. If you owe more than $50 in late fees, your account will be blocked from reserving equipment until you pay the business office. 
Third day late – (Student Access Revoked) If on the third morning after the equipment was due back it is still not in the EQR, an additional $100.00 lost fee will be charged, and we will have to file a report with the police for the missing items. 

A new strike system will be in place to ensure student comply with the School of Media and Communication policies and procedures.  

Student will receive the following strikes:  

            Strike I: Written and Verbal warning placed on student account  

            Strike II: A 1-week hold will be placed on your student account and you will not be                    allowed to check out any items or use any lab areas until the late items have been                  returned and/or the fees have been paid.   

            Strike III: All student privileges and access will be revoked. Student will have to make              a formal appeal and meet with the technology committee to receive                                          temporary access to equipment. 


If last strike is recorded in the last three weeks of the semester the student will begin the following semester with one strike on their account. In addition, a bill will be submitted to your student account and will result in a freeze for enrollment, transcript requests, and graduation paperwork.  

Student Appeal Request Form 
Conditions for Appeal 
Students must request an appeal via the form weblink:

In order to submit a valid Appeal Request for an Equipment Checkout room fine, all of the following conditions must be met: 

All equipment has been returned. All equipment items from the checkout, including accessories and cases, must be returned in full to the respective locations; 
An official fine notification email has been received. The Technology Manager has reviewed all information related to the specific checkout allocation and fine notification has been received to the student’s inbox with finalized fine values. 
The appeal is submitted using the Appeal Request Form; and 
The balance is unpaid and within 15-day appeal window. The fine that is being appealed is currently unpaid and within 15 days of the initial email notification. 
If any of these conditions have not been met, the fine appeal submission will be rejected immediately identifying these required conditions for appeal. 

School of Media and Communication EQR Agreement  

Cheqroom Link


The purpose of this form is to facilitate School of Media and Communication Mobile Equipment request at the University that complies with government regulations, provides for the appropriate use of University resources, and maximizes productivity and benefits for the School of Media and Communication. This request will be used for only student organization within the School of Media and Communication. Our equipment has various prerequisites, and some require faculty recommendation. Certain equipment has specialized training requirements. Equipment can be reserved for weekdays, and on weekends. Note: equipment checked out during the week is limited to a 24-hour reservation. Equipment Request must be approved by the School of Media and Communication Director, Technology manager and Faculty Advisor.

Students must request equipment via the equipment office web page:


The form must be properly and completely filled out, to ensure timely processing.
Reservation requests are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to reserve everything you need, but only what you need, as early as possible.
Student Organizations are not allowed to modify reservation requests.
Additional equipment requests require an additional reservation and faculty approval.
The earlier you make your reservation, the less chance for scheduling conflicts, and the better your chances of getting everything you request.


Contact Us

School of Media and Communication

School of Media and Communication
106 College Hall
118 College Dr. #5121
Hattiesburg, MS 39406

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