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School of Ocean Science and Engineering

Coastal Sciences — Publications

Page Content

Bold indicates Coastal Sciences student/alumni author. Listing may not be complete.


  • Urcádiz-Cázares, F.J. S.S. González-Peláez, O. Guerrero-Piñera, M.S. Peterson, & V.H. Cruz-Escalona. (2024). Environmental and geographic overlapping of geoduck clams in the Pacific northeast predicted by Ecological Niche Modeling. Regional Studies in Marine Science 69:103333.


  • Greenheck, E.M.*, M.J. Andres, D.A. Fox, D. Kiene, B.R. Kreiser, T.R. Nelson, M.S. Peterson, S.P. Powers, S.J. Rider, & W.T. Slack (2023). Gulf Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi) in the Mobile Bay Estuary, Alabama: documentation of use outside of designated critical habitat. Journal of Coastal Research 39(6):1021-1043. .
  • Russet-Rodríguez, A.J., H. Pérez-España, J.A. Payan Alcacio, M.S. Peterson, G. De La Cruz-Agüero, A. Bell Enríquez García, A. Ornelas, and V.H. Cruz Escalona. 2023. Functional diversity in reef fish assemblages in the Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano, Mexico: temporal and spatial changes. Frontiers in Marine Science 10:1102373.
  • Urcádiz Cázares, F.J., V.H. Cruz-Escalona, M.S. Peterson, A.F. González-Acosta, E. Marín-Enríquez, J.M. Borges-Souza, A. Del-Pino Machado, & A. Ortego-Rubio. (2023). Analysis of omissions of protected fish species during environmental impact assessments inferred with distribution models in the southeastern coastal zone of Bahía de La Paz, Mexico. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 99:106988.


  • Anderson, J.E., M.S. Peterson, & M.J. Andres. 2022. Drifting bryozoans increase nekton diversity in the north-central Gulf of Mexico unvegetated muddy bottom seascape. Bulletin of Marine Science 98(4):431-449.


  • del Valle González-González, L., P.A. Mejía-Falla, A.F. Navia, G. De la Cruz-Agüero,  N.R. Ehemann, M.S. Peterson, & V.H. Cruz-Escalona. (2021). The Espiritu Santo Island as a  critical area for conserving batoid assemblage species within the Gulf of California. Environmental Biology of Fishes 104:1359-1379.  Selected as Editor’s Choice for November  2021.
  • Hardy, T., W. Wu, & M.S. Peterson (2021). Analysis of spatial variability of drivers of coastal wetland loss in the northern Gulf of Mexico using Bayesian multi-level models. GIScience & Remote Sensing 58(6): 831-851:
  • Urcádiz-Cázares, F.J., V.H. Cruz-Escalona, M.S. Peterson, R. Aguilar-Medrano, E. Marín-Enríquez, S.S. González-Peláez, A. Del Pino-Machado, A.B. Enríquez-García, J.M. Borges-Souza, & A. Ortega-Rubio. (2021). Linking habitat and associated abiotic conditions to predict fish hotspot distribution areas within La Paz Bay: Evaluating marine conservation areas. Diversity 13(5):212. Special Issue "Ecology and Biodiversity of Coastal Marine Fisheries Species and Their Habitats".
  • Peterson, M.S. & M.J. Andres. (2021). Progress on research regarding ecology and biodiversity of coastal fisheries and nektonic species and their habitats within coastal landscapes. Diversity 13(4):168. Special Issue "Ecology and Biodiversity of Coastal Marine Fisheries Species and Their Habitats".
  • Urcádiz-Cázares, F.J., V.H. Cruz-Escalona, M.S. Peterson, E. Marín-Enriquez, A.F. González-Acosta, G. Martínez-Flores, G.H. Hernández-Carmona, R. Aguilar-Medrano, A. Del Pino-Machado, & A. Ortega-Rubio. (2021). Ecological niche modelling of endemic fish in La Paz Bay: Implications for local scale conservation. Journal for Nature Conservation 60: 125981
  • López-Herrera, D.L., G. de la Cruz-Agüero, R. Aguilar-Medrano, A.F. Navia-López, M.S. Peterson, J. Franco-López, & V.H. Cruz-Escalona. (2021). Ichthyofauna as a regionalization instrument of the coastal lagoons of the Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and  Coasts 44:2010-2025.
  • Restrepo-Gómez, D.C., V.H. Cruz-Escalona, M.S. Peterson, P.A. Mejía-Falla, & A.F.  Navia. (2021). Effects of age, maturity, sex, and seasonality on the feeding strategies of the diamond stingray, Hypanus dipterurus, in the southern Gulf of California. Marine and Freshwater Research 72(4):469-480.


  • Darnell, M.Z., T.G. Yeghissian, Z.M. Lane. 2020. Balancing risk and reward: mating opportunity influences thermal refuge use in fiddler crabs. Animal Behaviour 169:51-56.
  • Gruby, R.L., Gray, N.J., Fairbanks, L., et al. Policy interactions in large‐scale marine protected areas. Conservation Letters. 2020; 00:e12753.
  • Campbell, L.M., St. Martin, K., Fairbanks, L., Boucquey N., and Wise S. The portal is the plan: governing US oceans in regional assemblages. Maritime Studies 19, 285–297 (2020).
  • Weber, H.K., Jones, C.M., Ajemian, M.J., McCallister, M.P., Winner, B.L., Poulakis, G.R., Bethea, D.M, Hollensead, L.D., Zapf, D., Swenson, J.D., Hendon, J.M., Daly-Engel, T.S., and Phillips, N.M. 2020. Genetic evidence supports a range extension for the Brazilian cownose ray Rhinoptera brasiliensis in the western North Atlantic. Journal of  Fish Biology
  • Poussard, L.M., E.N. Powell, D.R. Hennen. 2021. Efficiency estimates from depletion experiments for sedentary invertebrates: evaluation of sources of uncertainty in experimental design. Fisheries Research, 234:#105006, 13 pp.
  • Powell, E.N., K.A. Ashton-Alcox. 2020. Response of petroleum seep mussels to changing environmental conditions: parasite transmission, infection intensification, and health. Deep-Sea Research Part 1 Oceanographic Research Papers 166:\#103408, 13 pp.
  • Kelly M. Darnell, Bradley T. Furman, Kenneth L. Heck, Jr., Dorothy Byron, Laura Reynolds, and Kenneth H. Dunton. 2020. Seed reserve hot spots for the sub-tropical seagrass Halodule wrightii (shoal grass) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts
  • Pace, S.M., L.M. Poussard, E.N. Powell, K.A. Ashton-Alcox, K.M. Kuykendall, L.K. Solinger, K.M. Hemeon, T.M. Soniat. 2020. Dying, decaying, and dissolving into irrelevance: first direct in-the-field estimate of Crassostrea virginica shell loss - a case history from Թͷ Sound. Journal of Shellfish Research 39:245-256.
  • Powell, E.N., J.M. Klinck, L.M. Poussard. 2020. The “challenge” of depletion: why the oyster fishery is not self-regulating. Journal of Shellfish Research 39: 291-302
  • Weidner, E, Sokolova, Y, Overstreet, R. 2020. Microsporidia can aquire lamin-like intermediate filaments and cell adhesion catenin-cadherin complexes from the host. Eukaryotic Microbiology. doi:10.1111/jeu.12811
  • Sokolova, Y, Overstreet, R. 2020. Hyperparasitic spore-forming eukaryotes (Microsporidia, Haplosporidia and Myxozoa) parasitizing trematodes (Platyhelminthes). Invertebrate Zoology. 17:93-117. 
  • Norrell, A., K.L. Jones, and E. A. Saillant. 2020. Development and characterization of genomic resources for a non-model marine teleost, the red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus, Lutjanidae): construction of a high-density linkage map, anchoring of genome contigs and comparative genomic analysis. PLoS One 15(4): e0232402.
  • Mohan, J.A., E.R. Jones, J.M. Hendon, B. Falterman, K.M. Boswell, E.R. Hoffmayer, and R.J.D. Wells. 2020. Capture stress and post-release mortality of blacktip sharks in recreational charter fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico. Conservation Physiology 8(1):
  • Shen, S., W. Wu, D.J. Grimes, E.A. Saillant, and R.J. Griffitt. 2020. Community composition and antibiotic resistance of bacteria in bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus – Potential impact of 2010 BP Oil Spill. Science of The Total Environment 732:139125.
  • Shakeri, L.M., K.M. Darnell, T.J.B. Carruthers, M.Z. Darnell. 2020. Blue crab abundance, biomass, and survival in a fragmenting coastal marsh system. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-020-00738-9.
  • Jones, E.R., D. Simning, J. Serafin, M.S. Sepúlveda, & R.J. Griffitt. 2020. Acute exposure to oil induces age and species-specific transcriptional responses in embryo-larval estuarine fish. Environmental Pollution 263(B): 114325.
  • Bennett, A.D. and C.F. Rakocinski. 2020. Respiration by the opportunistic spionid polychaete Streblospio gynobranchiata during adjustment to and recovery from moderate hypoxia Diversity12:73-86.
  • Rodgers, M.L., Simning, D., Sepúlveda, M.S., De Guise, S., Bosker, T., and Griffitt, R.J. 2020. Exposure to oil and hypoxia results in alterations of immune transcriptional patterns in developing Sheepshead minnows (Cyprinodon variegatus). Scientific Reports 10:1684.
  • Panyi, A.J., S.S. Curran, and R.M. Overstreet. 2020. Phylogenetic affinity of Genolopa (Digenea: Monorchiidae) with descriptions of two new species. Diversity 12(2):51.
  • Powell, E.N., J.M. Trumble, R.L. Mann, M.C. Long, S.M. Pace, J.R. Timbs*, & K.M. Kuykendall. 2020. Growth and longevity in surfclams east of Nantucket: range expansion in response to the post-2000 warming of the North Atlantic. Continental Shelf Research 195:#104059
    * = Veterans Research Supplement from NSF undergraduate research.
  • Powell, E.N., A.M. Ewing*, and K.M. Kuykendall. 2020. Ocean quahogs (Arctica islandica) and Atlantic surfclams (Spisula solidissima) on the Mid-Atlantic Bight continental shelf and Georges Bank: the death assemblage as a recorder of climate change and the reorganization of the continental shelf benthos. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 537: #109205.
    * = REU undergraduate.


  • Simning, D., M.S. Sepulveda, S. De Guise, T. Bosker, & R.J. Griffitt.  2019.  Combined effects of salinity, hypoxia, and oil exposure on survival and gene expression in developing sheepshead minnows, Cyprinodon variegatus. Aquatic Toxicology 214:
  • Mugge, R.L., J.S. Lee, T.T. Brown & L.J. Hamdan. 2019. Marine biofilm bacterial community response and carbon steel loss following Deepwater Horizon spill contaminant exposure. Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research 35(8):870-882.
    DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2019.1673377
  • Powell, E.N., R. Mann, K.M. Kuykendall, M.C. Long, J.R. Timbs. 2019. The intermingling of benthic macroinvertebrate communities during a period of shifting range: the ''East of Nantucket'' Atlantic surfclam survey and the existence of transient multiple stable states. Marine Ecology 40(4): e12456.
  • Fogg, A.Q., J.T. Evans, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, E.R. Hoffmayer & G.W. Ingram Jr. (2019). Comparison of age and growth parameters of invasive Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) across the northern Gulf of Mexico. Fishery Bulletin 117(3):1-15.
  • Timbs, J.R., E.N. Powell, & R. Mann. 2019. Changes in the spatial distribution and anatomy of a range shift for the Atlantic surfclam Spisula solidissima in the Mid-Atlantic Bight and on Georges Bank. Marine Ecology Progress Series 620:77-97.
  • Daley, T.T., and R.T. Leaf. (2019). Age and growth of Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) in the Northwest Atlantic. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 50:1–12.
  • Bennetts, C.F., R.T. Leaf, and N.J. Brown‐Peterson. (2019). Sex‐specific growth and reproductive dynamics of red drum in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 11(2):213-230.
  • Kuhn, A.A. and M.Z. Darnell. (2019). Elevated temperature induces a decrease in intermolt period and growth per molt in the lesser blue crab, Callinectes similis Williams, 1966 (Brachyura: Portunidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology 39:22–27.
  • Mugge, R.L., M.L. Brock, J.L. Salerno, M. Damour, R.A. Church, J.S. Lee and L.J. Hamdan. (2019). Deep-sea biofilms, historic shipwreck preservation and the Deepwater Horizon Spill. Frontiers in Marine Science, 14 February 2019 |
  • Kuykendall, K.M., E.N. Powell, J.M. Klinck, P.T. Moreno, and R.T. Leaf. (2019). The effect of abundance changes on a management strategy evaluation for the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) using a spatially explicit, vessel-based fisheries model. Ocean & Coastal Management 169:68-85.


  • Wu, W., M. Bethel, D.R. Mishra, and T. Hardy. (2018). Model selection in Bayesian framework to identify the best WorldView-2 based vegetation index in predicting green biomass of salt marshes in the northern Gulf of Mexico. GIScience & Remote Sensing 55(6):880-904.
  • Timbs, J.R., E.N. Powell, R. Mann. (2018). Assessment of the relationship of stock and recruitment in the Atlantic surfclam Spisula solidissima in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Shellfish Research 37:965-978.
  • Vick, P.E., M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. (2018). Seascape connectivity of Gulf sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi population units across the northern Gulf of Mexico. Endangered Species Research 37:195-205 (doi:10.3354/esr00923).
  • Andres, M.J., E.E. Pulis, S.C. Curran, & R.M. Overstreet. 2018. On the systematics of some marine haploporids (Trematoda) with the description of a new species of Megasolena Linton, 1910. Parasitology International. 67: 805–815. doi: 10.1016/j.parint.2018.08.002
  • Darnell, M.Z. and A.A. Kemberling. (2018). Large-scale movements of postcopulatory female blue crabs Callinectes sapidus in tidal and non-tidal estuaries of North Carolina. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:716-728.
  • Rodgers, M.L., Jones, E.R., Klinkhamer, C., Mahapatra, C.T., Serafin, J., Bosker, T., Perkins, C., Griffitt, R.J., De Guise, S. and Sepúlveda, M.S. (2018). Combined effects of Deepwater Horizon crude oil and environmental stressors on Fundulus grandis embryos. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37(7):1916-1925.
  • Vick, P.E., M.S. Peterson, W.T. Slack, and P.O. Grammer. (2018).
    Occupancy patterns of Gulf Sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi, associated with Ship Island, Թͷ. Journal of Coastal Research 34(3):640-650.
  • Oshima, M. and R.T. Leaf. 2018. Understanding the structure and resilience of trophic dynamics in the northern Gulf of Mexico using network analysis. Bulletin of Marine Science 94(1):21–46.
  • Pace, S.M., E.N. Powell, and R. Mann. 2018. Two-hundred year record of increasing growth rates for ocean quahogs (Arctica islandica) from the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 503:8-22.


  • Lillis, A., J.N. Perelman, A. Panyi, and T.A. Mooney. 2017. Sound production patterns of big-clawed snapping shrimp (Alpheus spp.) are influenced by time-of-day and social context. The Journal of Acoustical Society of America 142:3311-3320.
  • Pace, S.M., E.N. Powell, R. Mann, and M.C. Long. 2017. Comparison of age-frequency distributions for ocean quahogs Arctica islandica on the western Atlantic US continental shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series 585:81-98.
  • Pace, S.M., E.N. Powell, R. Mann, M.C. Long, and J.M. Klinck. 2017. Development of an age-frequency distribution for ocean quahogs (Arctica islandica) on Georges Bank. Journal of Shellfish Research 36:41-53.
  • Fogg, A.Q., N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2017. Reproductive life history characteristics of invasive Red Lionfish (Pterois volitans) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science 93(3):791-813.
  • Corey, M.M., R.T. Leaf, N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, S.D. Clardy, and D.A. Dippold. 2017. Growth and spawning dynamics of Southern Flounder in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 9:231-243.
  • Wu, W., H. Huang, P. Biber, and M. Bethel. 2017. Litter decomposition of Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus: Implications of climate change in salt marshes. Journal of Coastal Research 33(2):372-384.
  • Malca, E., B. Muhling, J. Franks, A. García, J. Tilley, T.Gerard, W. Ingram, and J.T. Lamkin. 2017. The first larval age and growth curve for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) from the Gulf of Mexico: Comparisons to the straits of Florida, and the Balearic Sea (Mediterranean). Fisheries Research 190:24-33.
  • Claxton, A.T., A.D. Fuehring, M.J. Andres, T.D. Moncrief, and S.S. Curran. 2017. Parasites of the Vermilion Snapper, Rhomboplites aurorubens (Cuvier), from the Western Atlantic Ocean. Comparative Parasitology 84(1):1-14.
  • Panyi, A. and E. Lacey. 2017. Sabellastarte magnifica tube repair rates on a Caribbean coral reef. Bulletin of Marine Science 93(3):879-880.
  • Kuykendall, K.M., E.N. Powell, J.M. Klinck, P.T. Moreno, and R.T. Leaf. 2017. Management strategy evaluation for the Atlantic surfclam (Spisula solidissima) using a spatially explicit, vessel-based fisheries model. Fishery Bulletin (doi:10.7755/FB.115.3.3).
  • Moncrief, T., N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. (2017). Reproductive biology of Vermilion Snapper (Rhomboplites aurorubens) from the north central Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 69:286-287.
  • Jones, E.R.,  C.J. Martyniuk, J.M. Morris, M.O. Krasnec, and R.J. Griffitt.  2017. Exposure to Deepwater Horizon oil and Corexit 9500 at low concentrations induces transcriptional changes and alters immune transcriptional pathways in sheepshead minnows. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D 23:8-16.
  • Dippold, D.A., R.T. Leaf, J.S. Franks, and J.R. Hendon. 2017. Growth, mortality, and movement of cobia (Rachycentron canadum). Fishery Bulletin 115:460–472.
  • Powell, E.N., R. Mann, K.A. Ashton-Alcox, K.M. Kuykendall, M.C. Long. 2017. Can we estimate molluscan abundance and biomass on the continental shelf? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 198:213-224.


  • Plante, C.J., V. Fleer, and M.L. Jones. (2016). Neutral processes and species sorting in benthic microalgal community assembly: Effects of tidal resuspension. Journal of Phycology 52(5):827-839.
  • Powell, E.N., J.M. Klinck, E.E. Hofmann, P. Moreno, K.M. Kuykendall, D.M. Munroe, and R. Mann. 2016. Captains' response to a declining stock as anticipated in the surf clam Spisula solidissima fishery on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic coast by model evaluation. Ocean and Coastal Management 134:52-68.
  • Fogg, A.Q., J. Evans, W. Ingram, M.S. Peterson, and N.J. Brown-Peterson. 2016. Comparing age and growth patterns of invasive lionfish among three ecoregions of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 68:197-198.
  • Dippold, D.A., R.T. Leaf, and M.S. Peterson. 2016. Evaluating management regimes using per-recruit models and relative stock density for Թͷ’s Spotted Seatrout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36(5): 1178-1189.
  • Ransom, J.T., J.E. Filbrun, and F.J. Hernandez. 2016. Condition of larval Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus maculatus in relation to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Marine Ecology Progress Series 558:143-152.
  • Hernandez, F.J., J.E. Filbrun, J. Fang, and J.T. Ransom. 2016. Condition of larval Red Snapper  (Lutjanus campechanus) relative to environmental variability and the Deepwater Horizon oil  spill. Environmental Research Letters 11:094019.
  • Fogg, A.Q., C.F. Ruiz, S.S. Curran, and S.A. Bullard. 2016. Parasites from the Red Lionfish, Pterois volitans, from the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 27:SC1-SC5.
  • Dippold, D.A., R.T. Leaf, J.R. Hendon, and J. Franks. 2016. Estimation of the length-at-age relationship of Թͷ’s Spotted Seatrout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145(2):295-304.
  • Tilley, J.D., C.M. Butler, E. Suárez-Morales, J.S. Franks, D.P. Gibson, E.R. Hoffmayer, B.H. Comyns, and E.M. Blake. 2016. Feeding ecology of larval Atlantic Bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus from the central Gulf of Mexico. Bulletin of Marine Science 92(3):321-334.
  • Hedgpeth, B. and R.J. Griffitt. 2016.  Simultaneous exposure to chronic hypoxia and dissolved PAHs results in reduced egg production and larval survival in the sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus).  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35(3):645-651.
  • Guest, T.W., C.F. Rakocinski, A.N. Evans, and R.B. Blaylock. 2016. Effects of release procedures on the primary stress response and post-release survival and growth of hatchery-reared Spotted Seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus. Journal of Fish Biology 90(3):906-921.
  • Hendon, J.R.  and C.F. Rakocinski. 2016. Habitat-specific growth of hatchery-reared juvenile spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) within a small bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 484:1-10.
  • Biber, P. D., W. Wu, M. S. Peterson, Z. Liu, and L. Pham. 2016. Chapter 7: Oil contamination in Թͷ saltmarsh habitats and the impacts to Spartina alterniflora photosynthesis, pp. 133-171. In: B. Alford, M.S. Peterson and C. Green (eds). Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Habitats and Fisheries in North America. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
  • Bardon-Albaret, A. and E. Saillant E. 2016. Effects of hypoxia and elevated ammonia concentration on the viability of red snapper embryos and early larvae. Aquaculture 459:148-155.
  • Fayton, T.J. and M.J. Andres. 2016. Amendment of Plagioporus Stafford, 1904 (Digenea: Opecoelidae), with a description of a new species from California and a phylogeny of freshwater plagioporines of the Holarctic. Systematic Parasitology 93:731–748.
  • Andres, M.J., E.E. Pulis, and R.M. Overstreet. 2016. Description of three species of Isorchis (Digenea: Atractotrematidae) from Australia. Acta Parasitologica 61:590–601.
  • Schrandt, M.N., M.J. Andres, S.P. Powers, and R.M. Overstreet. 2016. Novel infection site and ecology of cryptic Didymocystis sp. (Trematoda) in the fish Scomberomorus maculatus. Journal of Parasitology 102:297–305.
  • Fayton, T.J., S.S. Curran, M.J. Andres, R.M. Overstreet, and C.T. McAllister. 2016. Two new species of Homalometron (Digenea: Apocreadiidae) from Nearctic freshwater fundulids, elucidation of the life cycle of H. cupuloris, and molecular phylogenetic analysis of some congeners. Journal of Parasitology 102:94–104.
  • Andres, M.J., M.S. Peterson, and R.M. Overstreet. 2016. Endohelminth parasites of some midwater and benthopelagic stomiiform fishes from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 27:11–19.
  • Curran, S.S., A.J. Phillips, R.M. Overstreet, G.W. Benz, and A.D. Henningsen. 2016. Austrobdella cairae n. sp., an Oioxenous Marine Leech (Clitellata: Piscicolidae) from the Banded Guitarfish, Zapteryx exasperata, in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Parasitology 102(2):179-186.
  • Orélis-Ribeiro, R. and S.A. Bullard. 2016. Two new genera of fish blood flukes (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) from catfishes in the Peruvian Amazon. The Journal of Parasitology 102:357-368.
  • Guest, T.W., Blaylock, R.B., and A.N. Evans. 2016. Development of a modified cortisol extraction procedure for intermediately-sized fish not amenable to whole-body or plasma extraction methods. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 42:1-6.


  • Kuykendall, K.M., P. Moreno, E.N. Powell, T.M. Soniat, S. Colley, R. Mann, and D.M. Munroe. 2015. The exposed surface area to volume ratio: is shell more efficient than limestone in promoting oyster recruitment? Journal of Shellfish Research 34:217-225.
  • Fogg, A.Q., N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2015. Northern Gulf of Mexico lionfish: insights into their reproductive life history. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 67:194-195.
  • Ennis, B. and M.S. Peterson. 2015. Nekton and macro-crustacean habitat use of Թͷ micro-tidal saltmarsh landscapes. Estuaries and Coasts 38: 1399-1413.
  • Lowe, M.R. and M.S. Peterson. 2015. Relative condition and foraging patterns of nekton from salt marsh habitats arrayed along a gradient of urbanization. Estuaries and Coasts 38:800-812.
  • Mazzei, V. and P.D. Biber. 2015. Autotrophic net productivity patterns at four artificial reef sites in the Թͷ Sound. Hydrobiologia 749:135-154.
  • Brown-Peterson, N.J., M. Krasnec, R. Takeshita, C.N. Ryan, K.J. Griffitt, C. Lay, G.D. Mayer, K.M. Bayha, W.E. Hawkins, I. Lipton. J. Morris, and R.J. Griffitt. 2015. A multiple endpoint analysis of the effects of chronic exposure to sediment contaminated with Deepwater Horizon oil on juvenile southern flounder and their associated microbiomes. Aquatic Toxicology 165:197-209.
  • Manley, C.B., C.F. Rakocinski, P.G. Lee, and R.B. Blaylock. (2015). Feeding frequency mediates aggression and cannibalism in larval hatchery-reared spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus. Aquaculture 437:155-160.
  • Jackson, L.A., C.F. Rakocinski, and R.B. Blaylock. (2015). Previous exposure to novel prey improves the feeding success of hatchery-reared spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Cuvier, 1830) within habitat structure. Aquaculture Research 46:3079-3083.
  • Andres, M.J., S.S. Curran, T.J. Fayton, E.E Pulis, and R.M. Overstreet. 2015. An additional genus and two additional species of Forticulcitinae (Digenea: Haploporidae). Folia Parasitologica 62:025.
  • Carrillo, J.M., R.M. Overstreet, J.A. Raga, and F.J. Aznar. 2015. Living on the edge: Settlement patterns by the symbiotic barnacle Xenobalanus globicipitis on small cetaceans. PLoS ONE 10(6):e0127367.
  • Hasan, N.A., T. Rezayat, P.J. Blatz, S.Y. Choi, K.J. Griffitt, S.M. Rashed, A. Huq,  N.G. Conger, R.R. Colwell, and D.J. Grimes. 2015. Nontoxigenic Vibrio cholerae non-Ol/O139 isolate from a case of human gastroenteritis in the U.S. Gulf Coast. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 53:9-14.
  • Bardon-Albaret, A., N.J. Brown-Peterson, J.T. Lemus, A. Apeitos, and E. Saillant. 2015. A histological study of gametogenesis of red snapper Lutjanus campechanus in captivity. Aquaculture Research 46:901-906.


  • Lowe, M.R. and M.S. Peterson. 2014. Effects of coastal urbanization on salt marsh faunal assemblages in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Coastal Fisheries Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science [online serial] 6(1):89-107.
  • Ennis, B., M.S. Peterson, and T.P. Strange. 2014.  Modeling of inundation characteristics of a microtidal salt marsh, Grand Bay National Research Reserve, Թͷ. Journal of Coastal Research 30(3):635-646.
  • Clardy, S.D., N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, and R.T. Leaf. 2014. Age, growth, and reproduction of Southern Kingfish, Menticirrhus americanus: a multivariate comparison of life history in other sciaenids. Fishery Bulletin 112(2-3):178-197.
  • Fogg, A., M.S. Peterson, and N.J. Brown-Peterson. 2014. Northern Gulf of Mexico lionfish: distribution and reproductive life history trajectories. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 66:206-207.
  • Pham, L.T., P.D. Biber, and G.A. Carter. 2014. Seagrasses in the Թͷ Sound and the Chandeleur Islands, and problems associated with decadal-scale change detection. Gulf of Mexico Science 32:24-43.
  • Taylor, S.M., R.T. Leaf, F.J. Hernandez Jr., J.S. Franks, and E.R. Hoffmayer. 2014. An examination of the diversity and abundance of ichthyoplankton in the Loop Current of the central Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 67:173-185.
  • Brown-Peterson, N.J., R.A. Brewton, R.J. Griffitt, and R.S. Fulford.  2014.  Chapter 12: Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Reproductive Biology of Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), pp 237-252. In: Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Fisheries in North America.  B. Alford, M. S. Peterson, and C. Green (eds.).  Taylor and Francis Press.
  • Boube, I.I., J.M. Lotz, A.E. Pozhitkov, S. Li, and R.J. Griffitt. 2014. Identification of genes involved in Taura syndrome virus resistance in Litopenaeus vannamei. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 26:137-143.
  • Manley, C.B., C.F. Rakocinski, P.G. Lee, and R.B. Blaylock. 2014. Stocking density effects on aggressive and cannibalistic behaviors in larval hatchery-reared spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus. Aquaculture 420-421:89–94.&Բ;
  • Andres, M.J., E.E Pulis, T.H. Cribb, and R.M. Overstreet. 2014. Erection of the haploporid genus Litosaccus n. g. and its phylogenetic relationship within the Haploporidae Nicoll, 1914. Systematic Parasitology 89:185-194.
  • Andres, M.J., C.L. Ray, E.E. Pulis, S.C. Curran, and R.M. Overstreet. 2014. Molecular characterization of two opecoelid trematodes from fishes in the Gulf of Mexico, with a description of a new species of Helicometra. Acta Parasitologica 59:405-412.
  • Andres, M.J., E.E Pulis, and R.M. Overstreet. 2014. New genus of opecoelid trematode from Pristipomoides aquilonaris (Perciformes: Lutjanidae) and its phylogenetic affinity within the family Opecoelidae. Folia Parasitologica 61: 223-230.
  • Pulis, E.E., S.S. Curran, M.J. Andres, and R.M. Overstreet. 2014. Change in rank of Megaperidae (Trematoda) to Megaperinae within the Apocreadiidae and description of Haintestinum amplum n. g., n. sp. Parasitology International 63:269-274.
  • Olsen, Z., R. Fulford, K. Dillon, and M. Graham. 2014. Trophic role of Gulf Menhaden examined with carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 497:215-227.
  • Berutti, T.R., R.E. Williams, S. Shen, M.M. Taylor, and D.J. Grimes. 2014. Prevalence of urease in Vibrio parahaemolyticus from the Թͷ Sound. Lett. Applied Microbiology 58:624-628.
  • Antoni, L., P.L. Luque, K. Naghshpour, L. Reynal, and E. Saillant. 2014. Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for Atlantic blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus) using Illumina paired-end sequencing. Fishery Bulletin 112:322-325.
  • Antoni, L., P.L. Luque, K. Naghshpour, and E. Saillant. 2014. Development of microsatellite
    markers for Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares). Conservation Genetics Resources 6:609-611.
  • Leclercq, E., L. Antoni, A. Bardon, C. Anderson, C. Somerset, and E. Saillant. 2014. Spectrophotometric determination of sperm concentration and short-term cold-storage of sperm in Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus L. broodstock. Aquaculture Research 45:1283-1294.
  • Somerset, C. and E.A. Saillant. 2014. Regional population structure and management of aquaculture for stock enhancement of the spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus). Aquaculture 433:66-73.
  • Norrell A., D. Crawley, K.L. Jones, and E.A. Saillant. 2014. Development and characterization of eighty-four microsatellite markers for the red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) using Illumina paired-end sequencing. Aquaculture 430:128-132.
  • Lemus, J.T., B.L. Sarkisian, M.S. Lee, A. Bardon-Albaret, and E.A. Saillant. 2014. A First
    demonstration of intensive-type larviculture of Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus. North American Journal of Aquaculture 76: 45-54.
  • Ray, A.J. and J.M. Lotz. 2014. Comparing a chemoautotrophic-based biofloc system and three heterotrophic-based systems receiving different carbohydrate sources. Aquacultural Engineering 63:54-61.


  • Brewton, R.A., R.S. Fulford, and R.J. Griffitt.  2013.  Gene expression and growth as indicators of effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill on Cynoscion nebulosus.  Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A: Current Issues 76:1198-1209.
  • Griffitt, K.J., and D.J. Grimes. 2013. Abundance and distribution of Vibrio cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus following a major freshwater intrusion into the Թͷ Sound. Microbial Ecology 65:578-583.
  • Griffitt, K.J., and D.J. Grimes. 2013. A novel agar formulation for isolation and direct enumeration of Vibrio vulnificus from oyster tissue. Journal of Microbiological Methods 94(2):98-102.
  • Jackson, L.A., C.F. Rakocinski, and R.B. Blaylock.  2013. Assessing the feeding performance of hatchery-reared spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus on live novel prey. Journal of Fish Biology 82:1032–1046.
  • Wagner, J.P., R.B. Blaylock, and M.S. Peterson. 2013. Evaluation of internal tag performance in hatchery-reared juvenile spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33(4):783-789.
  • Bardon-Albaret, A., N.J. Brown-Peterson, J.T. Lemus, A. Apeitos, and E.A. Saillant. 2013. A histological study of gametogenesis in captive red snapper Lutjanus campechanus. Aquaculture Research 46(4):901-908.
  • Andres, M.J. and R.M. Overstreet. 2013. A new species of Podocotyloides (Digenea: Opecoelidae) from the grey conger eel, Conger esculentus, in the Caribbean Sea. Journal of Parasitology 99:619-623.
  • Pulis, E.E. and R.M. Overstreet. 2013. Review of haploporid (Trematoda) genera with ornate muscularisation in the region of the oral sucker, including four new species and a new genus. Systematic Parasitology 84:167-191.
  • Curran, S.S., V.V. Tkach, and R.M. Overstreet. 2013. A new species of Homalometron (Digenea: Apocreadiidae) from fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Parasitology 99(1):93-101.
  • Curran, S.S., V.V. Tkach, and R.M. Overstreet. 2013. Molecular evidence for two cryptic species of Homalometron (Digenea: Apocreadiidae) in freshwater fishes of the southeastern United States. Comparative Parasitology 80(2):186-195.
  • Pulis, E.E., T.J. Fayton, S.S. Curran, and R.M. Overstreet. 2013. A new species of Intromugil (Digenea: Haploporidae) and redescription of Intromugil mugilicolus. Journal of Parasitology 99(3):501-508.
  • Picón-Camacho, S.M., W.P. Thompson, R.B. Blaylock, and J.M. Lotz. 2013. Development of a rapid assay to detect the dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). Veterinary Parasitology 196: 265-271.
  • Li, T. and M. Brouwer. 2013. Gene expression profile of hepatopancreas from grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio exposed to cyclic hypoxia. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D 8:1-10.
  • Anderson, E.J and B. Comyns.  2013.  Distribution, abundance, and feeding habits of juvenile kingfish (Menticirrhus) species found in the northcentral Gulf Of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science 2013(1-2):50-66.
  • Masson, I., Lotz, J. M., and R.B. Blaylock. 2013. Population model for Amyloodinium ocellatum infecting the spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus and the red snapper Lutjanus campechanus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 106:139-148.


  • Havrylkoff, J-M., M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2012. Assessment of the seasonal use of the lower Pascagoula river estuary by Gulf sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 28(5):681-686.
  • Lang, E.T., N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2012. Seasonal and tidally driven reproductive patterns in the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann 1892). Copeia 2012(3):451-459.
  • Lowe, M.R., W. Wu, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, W.T. Slack, and P.J. Schofield. 2012. Survival, growth and reproduction of non-native Nile tilapia II. Fundamental niche projections and invasion potential in the northern Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE 7(7):e41580.
  • Grammer, G.L., W.T. Slack, M.S. Peterson, and M.A. Dugo. 2012. Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) establishment in temperate Թͷ, USA: multi-year survival confirmed by otolith ages. Aquatic Invasions 7(3):367-376.
  • Griffitt, R.J., R.A. Ryan, N.J. Brown-Peterson, I. Boube, D.A. Savin, and M. Brouwer. 2012.  Effects of chronic nanoparticulate silver exposure to juvenile and adult sheepshead minnow. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(1):160-167.
  • Johnson, C.N.,  J.C. Bowers, K.J. Griffitt, V. Molina, R.W. Clostio, S. Pei, and E. Laws. 2012. Ecology of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus in the coastal and estuarine waters of Louisiana, Maryland, Թͷ, and Washington (United States). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78(20):7249-7257.
  • Vivian, D.N., C.F. Rakocinski, and M.S. Peterson. 2012. Chapter 4: Habitat function of a restored marsh: Post-larval Gulf killifish as a sentinel, pp. 57-74.  In: Estuaries: Classification, Ecology, and Human Impacts. S. Jordan [ed.]. Nova Science Publishers.
  • Ballard, S.E. and C.F. Rakocinski. 2012. Flexible feeding strategies of juvenile gray triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) and planehead filefish (Stephanolepis hispidus) within Sargassum habitat. Gulf and Caribbean Research 24:31-40.
  • Anderson, E.J., B.H. Comyns, H.M. Perry, and C.F. Rakocinski. 2012. Early growth of three kingfish (Menticirrhus) species found in coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 24:23-29.
  • McKinney, J.A., E.R. Hoffmayer, W. Wu, R. Fulford, and J. Hendon. 2012. Feeding habitat of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in the northern Gulf of Mexico determined using species distribution modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series 458:199-211.
  • Saillant, E.A., E. Leclercq, A. Bardon-Albaret, B. Sarkisian, A. Apeitos, N.J. Brown-Peterson, J.T. Lemus, A. Buentello, C. Pohlenz, and D.M. Gatlin. 2012. Development of aquaculture of the Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus: Research on larval nutrition. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 65:352-356.
  • Curran, S.S., E.E. Pulis, D.O. Hugg, J.P. Brown, L.C. Manuel, and R.M. Overstreet. 2012. Phylogenetic position of Creptotrema funduli in the Allocreadiidae based on partial 28S rDNA sequences. The Journal of Parasitology 98:873-875.
  • Antoni, L. and E.A. Saillant. 2012. Development and characterization of microsatellite markers in the gray triggerfish (Balistes capriscus). Conservation Genetics Resources 4:629-631.
  • Drumm, D.T. and B. Kreiser. 2012. Population genetic structure and phylogeography of Mesokalliapseudes macsweenyi (Crustacea: Tanaidacea) in the northwestern Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 412:58-65.


  • Lang, E.T., M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack.(2011. Comparative development of five sympatric coastal fundulids from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Zootaxa 2901:1-18.
  • Schofield, P.J., M.S. Peterson, M.R. Lowe, N. Brown-Peterson, and W.T. Slack. 2011. Survival, growth and reproduction of nonindigenous Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus, 1758). I. Physiological capabilities to various temperatures and salinities. Marine and Freshwater Research 62:439-449.
  • Lopez, J.D., M.S. Peterson, J. Walker, G.L. Grammer, and M.S. Woodrey. 2011. Distribution, abundance, and habitat characterization of the Saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann 1892). Estuaries and Coasts 34(1):148-158.
  • Griffitt, K.J., N.F. Noriea, C.N. Johnson, and D.J. Grimes. 2011. Enumeration of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the viable but nonculturable state using direct plate counts and recognition of individual gene fluorescence in situ hybridization. Journal of Microbiological Methods 85(2):114-118.
  • Curran, S.S., V.V. Tkach, and R.M. Overstreet. 2011. Phylogenetic affinities of Auriculostoma (Digenea: Allocreadiidae), with descriptions of two new species from Peru. The Journal of Parasitology 97(4):661-670.
  • White, K.N. 2011. Nuclear 18S rDNA as a species-level molecular marker for the Leucothoidae (Amphipoda). Journal of Crustacean Biology 31(4):710-716.
  • White, K.N. 2011. A taxonomic review of the Leucothoidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Zootaxa 3078:1-113.
  • White, K.N. 2011. Caribbean Leucothoidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of Panama. Gulf and Caribbean Research 23:23-35.
  • Ray, A.J., K.S. Dillon, and J.M. Lotz. 2011. Water quality dynamics and shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) production in intensive, mesohaline culture systems with two levels of biofloc management. Aquaculture Engineering 45:127-136.
  • McVay, M.J., M.D., Bakenhaster, and S.A. Bullard. 2011. Cardicola laruei Short, 1953 (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) from heart of seatrout, Cynoscion spp. (Perciformes: Sciaenidae) in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean: Taxonomic redescription, first observations of egg and miracidium, and comments on geographic distribution and host specificity. Comparative Parasitology 78:291-305.
  • Masson, I., R.B. Blaylock, and J.M. Lotz. 2011. Susceptibility and tolerance of spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, and red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, to experimental infections with Amyloodinium ocellatum. Journal of Parasitology 97:577-585.
  • Antoni, L., N. Emerick, and E.A. Saillant. 2011. Genetic variation of gray triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) in US waters of the Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic regions as inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:714-721.
  • Drumm, D.T., and R.W. Heard. 2011. Systematic revision of the family Kalliapseudidae (Crustacea: Tanaidacea). Zootaxa 3142:1-172.
  • Drumm, D.T. 2010. Phylogenetic relationships of Tanaidacea (Eumalacostraca: Peracarida) inferred from three molecular loci. Journal of Crustacean Biology 30(4):692-698.  


  • Lang, E.T., G.L. Grammer, S. Manning, and M.S. Peterson. 2010. Spawning and maintaining the Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis) and the Saltmarsh topminnow (Fundulus jenkinsi) in the laboratory. Belgische Killifish Vereniging, Killi Kontakt 38(4):61-68.
  • Lopez, J.D., M.S. Peterson, E.T. Lang, and A.M. Charbonnet. 2010. Linking habitat and life history for conservation of the rare saltmarsh topminnow (Fundulus jenkinsi): morphometrics, reproduction, and trophic ecology. Endangered Species Research 12(2):141-155.
  • Stricklin, A.G., M.S. Peterson, J.D. Lopez, C.A. May, C.F. Mohrman, and M.S. Woodrey. 2010. Do small, patchy constructed intertidal oyster reefs reduce salt marsh erosion as well as natural reefs? Gulf and Caribbean Research 22: 21-27.
  • Pratt Zossoungbo, M. and P.D. Biber. 2010. Chapter 7: Mycorrhizal fungal associations with four salt marsh species, pp 293-321. In: A. Edelstein and D. Bar. (eds.) Handbook of Environmental Research, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
  • Noriea, N.F., C.N. Johnson, K.J. Griffitt, and D.J. Grimes. 2010. Distribution of type III secretion systems in Vibrio parahaemolyticus from the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Applied Microbiology 109(3):953-996.
  • Li, S., A. Pozhitkov, R. Ryan, S. Manning, N. Brown-Peterson, and M. Brouwer. 2010. A genome-wide fish metabolic network model. Genome Biology 11: R115.
  • Driggers, III, W.B., J.M. Hendon, M.J. Andres, S.S. Curran, C.T. Gledhill, M.A. Grace, M.D. Hendon, C.M. Jones, B.T. Noble, and K.R. Rademacher. 2010. Notes on the biology of an adult female Chimaera cubana captured off St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Gulf and Caribbean Research 22:67-69.
  • Tkach, V.V., E.E. Pulis, and R.M. Overstreet. 2010. A new Paramacroderoides species (Digenea: Macroderoididae) from two species of gar in the southeastern United States. The Journal of Parasitology 96:1002-1006.
  • Naser, M., K.N. White, and M.H. Ali. 2010. Grandidierella macronyx Barnard, 1935 (Amphipoda, Aoridae): A new record from Shatt Al-Basrah, Basrah, Iraq. Crustaceana 83(11):1401-1407.
  • Drumm, D.T. and R.W. Heard. 2010. Observations on the kalliapseudid Tanaidacea (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida) from the northwestern Atlantic, with an illustrated key to the species. Gulf and Caribbean Research 22:29-41.
  • Dangre, A.J., S. Manning, and M. Brouwer. 2010. Effects of cadmium on hypoxia-induced expression of hemoglobin and erythropoietin in larval sheepshead minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus. Aquatic Toxicology 99:168-75.
  • Johnson, C.N., A.R. Flowers, N.F. Noriea, III, A.M. Zimmerman, J. Bowers, A. DePaola, and D.J. Grimes. 2010. Relationships between environmental factors and pathogenic vibrios in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Applied Environmental Microbiology 76:7076-7084.
  • Drumm, D.T. and A.G. Morales-Nunez. 2010. A new species of Mesokalliapseudes Lang, 1956 (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Kalliapseudidae) from Puerto Rico, with remarks on the genus. Zootaxa 2687:45-55.
  • Lemus, J.T., R.B. Blaylock, A. Apeitos, and J.M. Lotz.  2010. Short-term effects of first-prey type and number on survival and growth of intensively cultured spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Sciaenidae), larvae. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 41(3): 455-463.
  • Ray, A.J., G. Seaboen, J.W. Leffler, S.B. Wilde, A. Lawson, and C.L. Browdy. 2010. Characterization of microbial communities in minimal-exchange, intensive aquaculture systems and the effects of suspended solids management. Aquaculture 310:130-138.
  • Ray A.J., B.L. Lewis, C. L. Browdy, and J.W. Leffler. 2010. Suspended solids removal to improve shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) production and an evaluation of a plant-based feed in minimal-exchange, superintensive culture systems. Aquaculture 299: 89-98. 
  • Lucas, K.L., G.T. Raber, and G.A. Carter. 2010. Estimating vascular plant species richness on Horn Island, Թͷ using small footprint airborne LIDAR. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 4(1):043545.
  • Lucas, K.L. and G.A. Carter. 2010 Decadal changes in habitat-type coverage on Horn Island, Թͷ, USA. Journal of Coastal Research 26:1142-1148.  


  • Grammer, G.L., N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. 2009. Life history of silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura, Lacepède 1803) in north-central Gulf of Mexico estuaries. Gulf of Mexico Science 27(1):62-73.
  • Peterson, M.S. and M.R. Lowe. 2009. Alterations to estuarine and marine habitat quality and fish and invertebrate resources: what have we wrought and where do we go? Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 61:256-262.
  • Peterson, M.S. and M.R. Lowe. 2009. Implications of cumulative impacts to estuarine and marine habitat quality for fish and invertebrate resources. Reviews in Fisheries Science 17(4):505-523.
  • Pratt Zossoungbo, M. and P.D. Biber. 2009. Inoculation and colonization of four saltmarsh species with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Ecological Restoration 27(4):387-389.
  • Drury McCall, D., C.F. Rakocinski, and J.L. Pinckney. 2009. Effects of grass shrimp versus nutrient addition on functional groups of epiphytic algae associated with Ruppia maritima growth stages. Marine Ecology Progress Series 379:151-162.
  • Walker, A.K. and J. Campbell. 2009. First records of the seagrass parasite Plasmodiophora diplantherae from the northcentral Gulf of Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 21(1):63-65.
  • Curran, S.S., C.K. Blend, and R.M. Overstreet. 2009. Nagmia rodmani n. sp., Nagmia cisloi n. sp., and Probolitrema richiardii (López, 1888) (Gorgoderidae: Anaporrhutinae) from elasmobranchs in the Gulf of California, Mexico. Comparative Parasitology 76(1):6-18.
  • Bullard, S.A., K. Jensen, and R.M. Overstreet. 2009. Historical account of the two family-group names in use for the single accepted family comprising the “fish blood flukes.” Acta Parasitologica 54(1):78-84.
  • Curran, S.S. and R.M. Overstreet. 2009. Caecincola longiscens n. sp. (Digenea: Cyptogonimidae) from the white crappie, Pomoxis annularis, in Թͷ, U. S. A. Comparative Parasitology 76(1):19-23.
  • Curran, S.S. and R.M. Overstreet. 2009. Rhipidocotyle tridecapapillata n. sp. and Prosorhynchoides potamoensis n. sp. (Digenea: Bucephalidae) from inland fishes in Թͷ, U.S.A. Comparative Parasitology 76(1):24-33.
  • Ma, H., R.M. Overstreet, and J.A. Jovonovich. 2009. Daggerblade grass shrimp (Palaemonetes pugio): A reservoir host for yellow-head virus (YHV). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 101(2):112-118.
  • Overstreet, R.M., .J Jovonovic, and H. Ma. 2009. Parasitic crustaceans as vectors of viruses, with an emphasis on three penaeid viruses. Integrative and Comparative Biology 49(2):127-141.
  • Overstreet, R.M., J. Cook, and R.W. Heard. 2009. Trematoda (Platyhelminthes) from the Gulf of Mexico, pp.419-488 In: Gulf of Mexico—Origin, Waters and Biota: Biodiversity, D.L. Felder and D.K. Camp (eds.). Texas A&M University Press, College Station.
  • White, K.N. and J.D. Thomas. 2009. Leucothoidae. In: J.K. Lowry and A.A. Myers (Eds).  Amphipoda (Crustacea: Peracarida) of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Zootaxa 2260:494–555.
  • Bullard, S.A. and K. Jensen. 2009. Blood flukes (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) of stingrays (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae): Orchispirium heterovitellatum from Himantura imbricata in the Bay of Bengal and a new genus and species from Dasyatis sabina in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Parasitology 94:1311-1321.
  • Grimes, D.J, C.N. Johnson, K.S. Dillon, A.R. Flowers, N.F. Noriea III, and T. Berutti. 2009. What genomic sequence information has revealed about Vibrio ecology in the ocean – a review. Microbial Ecology 58:447-460.
  • Thoma, B.P. and R.W. Heard. 2009.  A new species of the genus Gammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridae) from the low salinity habitats in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Zootaxa 2015:42-54.
  • Thoma, B.P., R.W. Heard, and D.L. Felder. 2009. Redescription of Pinnixa arenicola Rathbun, 1922 (Decapoda: Brachyura: Pinnotheridae), with new observations on its range and host. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 122(1):72-80.
  • Li, T. and M. Brouwer. 2009. Bioinformatic analysis of expressed sequence tags from grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio exposed to environmental stressors. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part D 4:187-195.
  • Li, T. and M. Brouwer. 2009. Gene expression profile of grass shrimp Palaemonetes
    pugio exposed to chronic hypoxia. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D 4:196-208.
  • Ray A.J., A.J. Shuler, J.W. Leffler, and C.L. Browdy. 2009. Microbial ecology and management of biofloc systems, pp. 255-266. In: C.L. Browdy and D.E. Jory, eds. The Rising Tide, Proceedings of the Special Session on Sustainable Shrimp Farming, World Aquaculture 2009. World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, LA. 
  • Carter, G.A., K.L. Lucas, G.A. Blossom, C.L. Lassitter, D.M. Holiday, D.S. Mooneyhan, D.R. Fastring, T.R. Holcombe, and J.A. Griffith. 2009. Remote sensing and mapping of Tamarisk along the Colorado River, USA: A comparative use of Hyperion, Thematic Mapper and QuickBird data. Remote Sensing 1(3):318-329.


  • Partyka, M.L. and M.S. Peterson. 2008. Habitat quality and salt marsh species assemblages along an anthropogenic estuarine landscape. Journal of Coastal Research 24(6):1570-1581.
  • Dawson-Guynn, K. and M.S. Peterson. 2008. Mercury concentration in the Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt 1898, among three distinct stocks. Polar Biology 31(3):269-274.
  • Ferguson, H.J. and C.F. Rakocinski.  2008. Tracking marsh restoration using macrobenthic metrics: Implementing a practical approach.  Wetlands Ecology and Management 16:277-289.
  • Zapfe, G.A. and C.F Rakocinski. 2008. Coherent growth and diet patterns in juvenile spot (Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepéde) reflect effects of hydrology on access to shoreline habitat. Fisheries Research 91:107-111.
  • Ma, H., R.M. Overstreet and J.A. Jovonovich. 2008. Stable yellowhead virus (YHV) RNA detection by qRT-PCR during six-day storage. Aquaculture 278:10-13.
  • Bullard, S.A., S.D. Snyder, K. Jensen, and R.M. Overstreet. 2008. New genus and species of Aporocotylidae (Digenea) from a basal actinopterygian, the American paddlefish, Polydon spathula, (Acipenseriformes: Polyodontidae from the Թͷ Delta. The Journal of Parasitology 94(2):487-495.
  • Ma, H., R.M. Overstreet, and S.A Subbotin. 2008. ITS2 secondary structure and phylogeny of cyst-forming nematodes of the genus Heterodera (Tylenchida: Heteroderidae). Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 8:182-193.
  • Curran, S.S. 2008. Two new species of Creptotrema (Digenea: Allocreadiidae) from South America. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 79:15S-21S.
  • Bullard, S.A. and R.M. Overstreet. 2008. Chapter 14: Digeneans as enemies of fishes, pp. 817-976. In: Fish Diseases, Volume 2, J.C. Eiras, H. Segner, T. Wahli, and B.G. Kapoor (eds.). Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire.
  • Hendon, L.A., E.A. Carlson, S. Manning, and M. Brouwer. 2008. Molecular and developmental effects of exposure to pyrene in the early life-stages of Cyprinodon variegatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 147:205-15.
  • Li, S., A. Pozhtikov, and M. Brouwer. 2008. A competitive hybridization model predicts signal intensity on high density DNA microarrays. Nucleic Acids Research 20:6585-6591.
  • Lucas, K.L. and G.A. Carter. 2008. The use of hyperspectral remote sensing to assess vascular plant species richness on Horn Island, Թͷ. Remote Sensing of Environment 112:3908-3915


  • Peterson, M.S., G.L. Waggy, and S. LeCroy. 2007. Nekton, pp. 197-212. In: Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve: An Ecological Characterization. M.S. Peterson, G.L. Waggy, and M.S. Woodrey (eds.). Grand Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Moss Point, MS. 268p.
  • Waggy, G.L., M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. 2007. Feeding habits and mouth morphology of young silver perch, Bairdiella chrysoura, from the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Southeastern Naturalist 6(4):743-751.
  • Peterson, M.S., M.R. Weber, M.L. Partyka, and S.T. Ross. 2007. Integrating in situ quantitative geographic information tools and size-specific laboratory-based growth zones in a dynamic river-mouth estuary. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 17(6):602-618.
  • McDonald, J.L., M.S. Peterson, and W.T. Slack. (2007. Morphology, density, and spatial patterning of reproductive bowers in an established alien population of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus Linnaeus. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22(3):461-468.
  • Drury McCall, D. and C.F. Rakocinski. 2007. Grass shrimp (Palaemonetes spp.) play a pivotal trophic role in enhancing Ruppia maritima. Ecology 88:618-624.
  • Curran, S.S., R.M. Overstreet, and V.V. Tkach. 2007. Phylogenetic affinities of Plagiocirrus Van Cleave and Mueller, 1932 with the description of a new species from the Pascagoula River, Թͷ. Journal of Parasitology 93(6):1452-1458.
  • Li, T. and M. Brouwer. 2007. Hypoxia-inducible factor, gsHIF, of the grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio: Molecular characterization and response to hypoxia. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 147:11-19.
  • Drumm, D.T. 2007. Two new species of tanaidacea of the genus Kalliapseudes Stebbing, 1910 (Crustacea: Apseudomorpha: Kalliapseudidae) from Australia. Zootaxa 1441:1-19.
  • Drumm, D.T. and R.W. Heard. 2007. Redescription of Mesokalliapseudes crassus (Menzies, 1953) (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Kalliapseudidae): The first record of a hermaphroditic kalliapseudid. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 129:459-68.
  • Ulicny, K. J., D.R. Stewart, A. McElwain, E.R. Salmon, S. A. Bullard, J.O. Cook, G.B. Skomal, H.L. Pratt, Jr., and G.W. Benz. 2007. Sealing Whirl-Pak®-type bags containing wet samples. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Sciences 82(3-4):88–89.
  • Benz, G.W., B.E. Smith, S.A. Bullard, and J.S. Braswell. 2007. New genus and species of eudactylinid (Siphonstomatoida: Copepoda) from gill lamellae of ornate eagle rays, Aetomylaeus vespertilio (Myliobatidae), collected in the Beagle Gulf off northern Australia. Journal of Parasitology 93:32–38.
  • Bullard, S.A., S.D. Snyder, K. Jensen, and R M. Overstreet. 2008. New genus and species of Aporocotylidae (Digenea) from a basal actinopterygian, the American paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, (Acipenseriformes: Polyodontidae) from the Թͷ Delta. Journal of Parasitology 94:487–495.
  • Li, T. and M. Brouwer. 2007. Hypoxia inducible factor, gsHIF, of the grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio Holthuis 1949: Molecular characterization and response to hypoxia. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B 147:11-9.
  • Franks, J.S., E.R. Hoffmayer, J.R. Ballard, N.M. Garber, and A.F. Garber. 2007. Diet of Wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the Northcentral Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 60:353-362.
  • Drumm, D.T. 2007. Two new species of tanaidaceans of the genus Kalliapseudes Stebbing, 1910 (Crustacea: Apseudomorpha: Kalliapseudidae) from Australia. Zootaxa 1441:1-19.
  • Vincent, A.G. and J.M. Lotz. 2007. Advances in research of necrotizing hepatopancreatitis bacterium (NHPB) affecting penaeid shrimp aquaculture. Reviews in Fisheries Science 15:63-73.
  • Vincent, A.G. and J.M. Lotz. 2007. Effect of salinity on transmission of necrotizing hepatopancreatitis bacterium (NHPB) to Kona stock Litopenaeus vannamei. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 75:265-268.


  • Peterson, M.S. and M.L. Partyka. 2006. Baseline mapping of the common reed, Phragmites australis, in three coastal Թͷ estuarine basins. Southeastern Naturalist 5(4):747-756.
  • Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, G.L. Waggy, J. Finley, C.M. Woodley, and M.L. Partyka. 2006. Foraging in non-native environments: comparison of Nile tilapia and three co-occurring native centrarchids in invaded coastal Թͷ watersheds. Environmental Biology of Fishes 76:283-301.
  • Reed, D.J., M.S. Peterson and B.J. Lezina. 2006. Reducing the effects of dredged material levees on coastal marsh function: sediment deposition and nekton utilization. Environmental Management 37(5):671-685.
  • Waggy, G.L., N.J. Brown-Peterson, and M.S. Peterson. 2006. Evaluation of the reproductive life history of the Sciaenidae in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea: “greater” versus “lesser” strategies? Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 57:263-281.
  • Rakocinski, C.F., M.S. Peterson, B.H. Comyns, G.A. Zapfe, and G.L. Fulling. 2006. Do abiotic fluctuations drive the early growth of juvenile spot (Leiostomus xanthurus)?  Fisheries Research 82:186-193.
  • Ma, H., R.M. Overstreet, J.H. Sniezek, M. Solangi, and D.W. Coats. 2006. Two new species of symbiotic ciliates from the respiratory tract of cetaceans with establishment of the new genus Planilamina n. gen. (Dysteriida, Kyaroikeidae). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 53(6):407-419.
  • Ma, H. and R.M. Overstreet. 2006. Two new species of Epistylis (Ciliophora: Peritrichida) on blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 53(2):85-95.
  • Bullard, S.A., R.M. Overstreet, and J.K. Carlson. 2006. Selachohemecus benzi n. sp. (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from the blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus (Carcharhinidae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Systematic Parasitology 63(2):143-154.
  • Bullard, S.A. and R.M. Overstreet. 2006. Psettarium anthicum sp. n. (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from the heart of cobia Rachycentron canadum (Rachycentridae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Folia Parasitologica 53:117-124.
  • Curran, S.S., V.V. Tkach, and R.M. Overstreet. 2006. A review of Polylekithum Arnold, 1934 and its familial affinities using morphological and molecular data, with description of Polylekithum catahoulensis sp. nov.  Acta Parasitologica 51(4):238-248.
  • Bullard, S.A., R.M. Overstreet, and J. K. Carlson. 2006. Selachohemecus benzi n. sp. (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from the blacktip shark Carcharhinus limbatus in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Systematic Parasitology 63:143–154.
  • Drumm, D. and R.W. Heard. 2006. Redescription of Kalliapseudes obtusifrons (Haswell, 1882) from southwest Australia (Crustacea:Tanaidacea: Apseudomorpha: Kalliapseudidae), with the designation of lectotype. Zootaxa 1277:29-38.
  • Drumm, D.T. and R.W. Heard. 2006. Transkalliapseudes spinulata, new genus, new species (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Kalliapseudidae) from the northwest Australian shelf. Zootaxa 1298:17-27.
  • Kuhl, A.J. and M. Brouwer. 2006. Antiestrogens inhibit xenoestrogen-induced brain aromatse activity but do not prevent xenoestrogen-induced feminization in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes). Environmental Health Perspectives 114:500-506.
  • Hoffmayer, E.R., J.S. Franks, and J.P. Shelley. 2006 Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico: A rationale for research. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 57:255-262.
  • Cotten, N. and B.H. Comyns. 2006. Exocoetidae: Flyingfishes. In: Early stages of Atlantic fishes: an identification guide for the western central North Atlantic, pp. 955-989. W.J. Richards (ed.). Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY.
  • Comyns, B.H. and P.J. Bond. 2006. Moridae: Morid cods. In: Early stages of Atlantic fishes: an identification guide for the western central North Atlantic., pp. 617-627. W.J. Richards (ed.), 617-27. Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY.


  • Kuhl, A.J., S. Manning, and M. Brouwer. 2005. Brain Aromatase in Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes): Molecular characterization and role in xenoestrogen induced sex reversal. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 96:67-77.
  • Lotz, J. M., L. Salazar-A, and M.A. Soto. 2005. Effect of chronic Taura syndrome virus infection on salinity tolerance of Litopenaeus vannamei Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 65:75–78.
  • Ogle, J. T., J. T. Lemus, L. C. Nicholson, D. N. Barnes, and J. M. Lotz. 2005. Characterization of an extensive zooplankton culture system coupled with intensive larval rearing of Red Snapper Lutjanus campechanus, pp. 225–244. In: C. Lee, P. O’Brien, and N. Marcus (eds). Copepods in Aquaculture. Blackwell Publishing. Ames, Iowa, USA.
  • Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack and C.M. Woodley. 2005. The occurrence of non-indigenous Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) in coastal Թͷ: ties to aquaculture and thermal effluent. Wetlands 25(1):112-121.
  • Rakocinski, C.F. and D. Drury McCall. 2005.  Blue crab recruitment as an indicator of nursery habitat value at five inshore locations in Թͷ, USA.  Journal of Shellfish Research 24:253-259.
  • Rakocinski, C.F. and G.A. Zapfe. 2005. Chapter 20: Macrobenthic process indicators of estuarine condition, pp. 315-331. In: Estuarine Indicators, S.A. Bortone [ed].  CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
  • Overstreet, R.M. and S.S. Curran. 2005. Parasites of the American white pelican. Gulf and Caribbean Research 17:31-48.
  • Overstreet, R.M. and S.S. Curran. 2005. Chapter 12: Family Haploporidae Nicoll, 1914, pp. 129-165. In: Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 2, A. Jones, R.A. Bray, and D.I. Gibson (eds.).  CABI Publishing and The Natural History Museum, Wallingford, United Kingdom.
  • Overstreet, R.M. and S.S. Curran. 2005. Chapter 13: Family Atractotrematidae Yamaguti, 1939, pp. 167-174.  In: Keys to the Trematoda, Volume 2, A. Jones, R.A. Bray, and D.I. Gibson (eds.).  CABI Publishing and The Natural History Museum, Wallingford, United Kingdom.
  • Vincent, A.G. and J.M. Lotz.  2005. Time course of necrotizing hepatopancreatitis (NHP) in experimentally infected Litopenaeus vannamei and quantification of NHP-bacterium using real-time PCR. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 67:163-169.


  • Arceo-Carranza, D., J. Franco-Lopez, G.L. Waggy, and R. Chavez-Lopez. 2004. Trophic comparison of two species of needlefish (Belonidae) in the Alvarado Lagoonal System, Veracruz, Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 16:81-88.
  • Benz, G W. and S.A. Bullard. 2004. Chapter 24: Metazoan parasites and associates of chondrichthyans with emphasis on taxa harmful to captive hosts, pp. 325-416. In: The Husbandry of Elasmobranch Fishes. Smith, M.F.L., D.I. Warmolts, D.A. Thoney, and R.E. Hueter (eds.). Special Publication No. 16, Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus, OH.
  • Benz, G.W., R. Hocking, A. Kowunna Sr., S.A. Bullard, andJ.C. George. 2004. A second species of Arctic shark: Pacific sleeper shark Somniosus pacificus from Point Hope Alaska. Journal of Polar Science 27:250-252.
  • Blaylock, R.B. , S.A. Bullard, and C.M. Whipps. 2004. Kudoa hypoepicardialis n. sp. (Myxozoa: Kudoidae) and associated lesions from the heart of seven perciform fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Parasitology 90: 584-593.
  • Bullard, S.A., S.M. Dippenaar, E.R. Hoffmayer, and G.W. Benz. 2004. New locality records for Dermophthirius carcharhini MacCallum, 1926 (Monogenea: Microbothriidae) and D. maccallumi Watson and Thorson, 1976 and a list of hosts and localities for species of Dermophthirius MacCallum, 1926. Comparative Parasitology 71(1):78-80.
  • Bullard, S.A. and R.M. Overstreet. 2004. Two new species of Cardicola Short, 1952 (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from the heart of drums (Sciaenidae) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Parasitology 90(1):128-136.
  • Bullard, S.A., R. Goodwin, R. Goldstein, and R.M. Overstreet. 2004. Cardicola forsteri (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from the heart of a northern bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus (Scombridae), in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Comparative Parasitology 71(2):245-246.
  • Bullard, S.A., R. Payne, and J.S. Braswell. 2004. New genus with two new species of capsalid monogeneans from dasyatids in the Gulf of California. Journal of Parasitology 90(6):1412-1427.
  • Frasca, S. Jr., V.L. Kirsipuu, S. Russell, S.A. Bullard, and G.W. Benz. 2004. Opercular lesions in black drum (Pogonias cromis) associated with infections of the sea louse Sciaenophilus tenuis (Copepoda: Caligidae).  Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 34(2):115-127.
  • Foster, J.M., B.P. Thoma, and R.W. Heard. 2004. Stomatopoda (Crustacea: Malacostraca) from the inshore waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico (Suwannee River, FL to Port Aransas, TX). Gulf and Caribbean Research 16:49-58.
  • Foster, J.M., R.W. Heard, and D. Knott. 2004. Northern range extensions for Caprella acuara Templeton, 1836 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae on the Florida Gulf coast and in South Carolina. Gulf and Caribbean Research 16:65-69
  • Foster, J.M., B.P. Thoma, and R.W. Heard. 2004. Range extensions and review of the caprellid amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae) from the shallow coastal waters from the Suwannee River, Florida, to Port Aransas, Texas, with an illustrated key. Gulf and Caribbean Research 16:161-175.
  • Gallardo-Torres, A., J.A. Martinez-Perez, and B.J. Lezina. 2004. Reproductive structures and early life history of the Gulf toadfish, Opsanus beta, in the Tecolutla estuary, Veracruz, Mexico. Gulf and Caribbean Research 16:109-114.
  • Geter, D.R., R.N. Winn, J.W. Fournie, M.B. Norris, A.B. DeAngelo, and W.E. Hawkins. 2004. Methylazoxymethanol-acetate (MAMAc), but not MX, induces mutations in the cII transgenic medaka (Oryzias latipes). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 67:373-383.
  • J.T. Lemus, J.T. Ogle, and J.M. Lotz. 2004 Increasing production of copepod nauplii in a brown-water culture with supplemental feeding and increased harvest levels. North American Journal of Aquaculture 66:169-176.
  • Overstreet, R.M. and S.S. Curran. 2004. Defeating diplostomoid dangers in USA catfish aquaculture. Folia Parasitologica 51(2/3):153-165.
  • Peterson, M.S., W.T. Slack, N.J. Brown-Peterson, and J.L. McDonald. 2004. Reproduction in non-native environments: establishment of the Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in coastal Թͷ watersheds. Copeia 2004(4):842-849
  • Peterson, M.S., B.H. Comyns, C.F. Rakocinski, and G.L. Fulling. 2004. Defining the fundamental physiological niche of young estuarine fishes and its relationship to understanding distribution, vital metrics, and optimal nursery conditions. Environmental Biology of Fishes 71(2):143-149.
  • Vincent, A.G., V.M. Breland, and J.M. Lotz. 2004. Experimental infection of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) with necrotizing hepatopancreatitis (NHP) bacterium by per os exposure. Disease of Aquatic Organisms 61:227-233.
  • Garber, A.F., M.D. Tringali, and K.C. Stuck. 2004. Population structure and variation in red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) from the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coast of Florida as determined from mitochondrial DNA control region sequence. Marine Biotechnology 6:175-185.


  • Bullard, S.A., R. Hocking, R.J. Goldstein, and J. Jewell. 2003. A new locality record and three new host records for Neobenedenia melleni (Monogenea: Capsalidae). Gulf and Caribbean Research 15:1-4.
  • Bullard, S.A. and S.M. Dippenaar. 2003. Branchotenthes robinoverstreeti gen. and sp. n. (Monogenea: Hexabothriidae) from gill filaments of the bowmouth guitarfish, Rhina ancylostoma (Rhynchobatidae), in the Indian Ocean. Journal of Parasitology 89(3):595-601.
  • Bullard, S.A. and R.M. Overstreet. 2003. Elaphrobates euzeti gen. and sp. n. (Digenea : Sanguinicolidae) from snappers (Lutjanidae) in the Gulf of Mexico, pp. 97-113. In: Taxonomy, ecology and evolution of metazoan parasites, (Livre hommage à Louis Euzet). Tome 1, C. Combes and J. Jourdane (eds). Les Presses, Universitaires de Perpignan. Perpignan, France.
  • Curran, S.S., C.K. Blend, and R.M. Overstreet. 2003. Anaporrhutum euzeti sp. n. (Gorgoderidae : Anaporrhutinae) from rays in the Gulf of California, Mexico, pp. 225-234. In: Taxonomy, Ecology and Evolution of Metazoan Parasites (Livre Hommage à Louis Euzet), Tome I, C. Combes and J. Jourdane (eds.). Les Presses, Universitaires de Perpignan. Perpignan, France.
  • Geter, D.R., J.W. Fournie, M. Brouwer, A.B. DeAngelo, and W.E. Hawkins 2003. p -Nitrophenol and glutathione response in medaka (Oryzias latipes) exposed to MX, a drinking water carcinogen. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 134:353–364.
  • Karels, A.A., S. Manning, T.  Brouwer, and M. Brouwer. 2003. Reproductive effects of estrogenic and antiestrogenic chemicals on sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22:855-865.
  • Karels, A.A. and M. Brouwer. 2003. Cloning, sequencing and phylogenetic classification of an estrogen receptor "subtype” of sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 135:263 – 272.
  • Knight, J., K. Larsen, and R.W. Heard. 2003. A new genus and species, Tumidochelia randyi, from the Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 116(2):497-502.
  • Peterson, M.S., G.L. Fulling, and C.M. Woodley. 2003. Status and habitat characteristics of the saltmarsh topminnow, Fundulus jenkinsi (Evermann), in eastern Թͷ and western Alabama coastal bayous. Gulf and Caribbean Research 15:51-59
  • Woodley, C.M. and M.S. Peterson. 2003. Measuring responses to simulated predation threat using behavioral and physiological metrics: the role of aquatic vegetation. Oecologia 136(1):155-160.
  • Soto, M.A. and J.M. Lotz. 2003. Transmission, virulence, and recovery coefficients of white spot syndrome virus and Taura syndrome virus infections in Litopenaeus vannamei (Kona stock). Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 15:48-54.
  • Lotz, J.M., A.M. Flowers, and V. Breland. 2003. A model of Taura syndrome virus (TSV) epidemics in Litopenaeus vannamei. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 83(2):168-176.


  • Brouwer, M., R. Syring, and T.H.Brouwer. 2002.Role of a copper-specific metallothionein of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in copper metabolism associated with degradation and synthesis of hemocyanin. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 88:228-239.
  • Bullard, S.A. and R.M. Overstreet. 2002. Potential pathological effects of blood flukes (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) on pen-reared marine fishes. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:10-25.
  • Foster, J.M. and R.W. Heard. 2002. Ameroculodes miltoni, a new species of estuarine amphipod (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Peracarida: Oedicerotidae), from the southeastern United States. Zootaxa 28:1-12.
  • Heard, R.W., R.M. Overstreet, and J.M. Foster. 2002. Records and observations on the distribution and ecology of hydrobiid snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissooidea) in the St. Andrew Bay System, Florida 1978. Gulf and Caribbean Research 14:13-34.
  • Lemus, J.T., J.T. Ogle and J.M. Lotz. 2002. Extensive copepod culture using a highly nutritious natural water source. World Aquaculture 33:60-62.
  • Lotz, J.M. and M.A. Soto. 2002. Model of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) epidemics in Litopenaeus vannamei. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 50:199-209.
  • Pederson, E.J. and M.S. Peterson. 2002. Bryozoa as an ephemeral estuarine habitat and a larval transport mechanism for mobile benthos and young fishes in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Marine Biology 140(5):935-947.
  • Rakocinski, C.F., B.H. Comyns, M.S. Peterson, and G.A. Zapfe. 2002.  Field growth responses of juvenile white trout (Cynoscion arenarius) to continuous variation in physical habitat conditions. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:623-635.
  • Soto, M. A., V.R. Shervette, and J. M. Lotz. 2002. Susceptibility of Litopenaeus vannamei and Farfantepenaeus duorarum to white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and infection of Menippe adina with WSSV. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:38-45.
  • Wheeler, K., C.C. Stark, and R.W. Heard. 2002. A preliminary study of the summer feeding habits of juvenile Florida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) for open and protected beaches of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:660-673.
  • Woodley, C.M., W.T. Slack, M.S. Peterson, and W.C. Vervaeke. 2002. Occurrence of the non-indigenous prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (deMan 1879) in Simmons Bayou, Թͷ, USA. Crustaceana 75(8):1025-1031.
  • Rakocinski, C.F., B.H. Comyns, M.S. Peterson, and G.A. Zapfe. 2002. Field growth responses of juvenile white trout (Cynoscion arenarius) to continuous variation in physical habitat conditions. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:623-635.
  • Comyns, B.H., N.M. Crochet, J.S. Franks, J.R. Hendon and R.S. Waller. 2002. Preliminary assessment of the association of larval fishes with pelagic Sargassum habitat and convergence zones in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:636-645. 
  • Soto, M.A., V.R. Shervette, and J.M. Lotz. 2002. Susceptibility of Litopaneaus vannamei, Farfantepanaeus duorarum, to White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) and infection of Menippe adina with WSSV. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:38-45.
  • Garber, A., W.D. Grater, K.C. Stuck and J.S. Franks. 2002. Characterization of the mitochondrial DNA control region of cobia, Rachycentron canadum, from Թͷ coastal waters. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:570-580.
  • Wheeler, K.N., C.C. Stark and R.W. Heard. 2002. A preliminary study of the summer feeding habits of juvenile Florida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) from open and protected beaches of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:659-673.
  • Overstreet, R.M., S.S. Curran, L.M. Pote, D.T. King, C.K. Blend, and W.D. Grater. 2002. Bolbophorus damnificus n. sp. (Digenea: Bolbophoridae) from the channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus and American white pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos in the USA based on life-cycle and molecular data. Systematic Parasitology 52:81-96.
  • Curran, S.S., R.M. Overstreet, and W.F. Font. 2002. Thometrema lotzi sp. n. (Digenea: Derogenidae) from freshwater and brackish water fishes of Louisiana and Թͷ (USA). Acta Parasitologica 47(1):14-19.
  • Garber, A.F. K.C. Stuck, J.S. Franks, N.M. Garber, and D.R. Geter. 2002. Characterization of the mitochondrial DNA control region of the wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the northcentral Gulf of Mexico and Bimini, Bahamas. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53: 610-621.
  • Garber, A., W.D. Grater, K.C. Stuck and J.S. Franks. 2002. Characterization of the mitochondrial DNA control region of cobia, Rachycentron canadum, from Թͷ coastal waters. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:570-580.
  • Garber, A.F., K.C. Stuck, J.S. Franks, N.M. Garber, and D.R. Geter. 2002. Characterization of the mitochondrial DNA control region of the wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the northcentral Gulf of Mexico and Bimini, Bahamas. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53: 610-621.
  • Comyns, B.H., N.M. Crochet, J.S. Franks, J.R. Hendon and R.S. Waller. 2002. Preliminary assessment of the association of larval fishes with pelagic Sargassum habitat and convergence zones in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:636-645.


  • Benz, G.W., B.E. Smith, and S.A. Bullard. 2001. Kroyerina deetsorum n. sp. (Copepoda: Kroyeriidae) from the olfactory sacs of Atlantic sharpnose sharks (Rhizoprionodon terraenovae) captured in the Gulf of Mexico and Northwestern Atlantic and first report of copepodids representing Kroyeriidae. Journal of Parasitology 87(6):1279-1290.
  • Cheek, A.O., T.H., Brouwer, S.G. Carroll, S.Manning, M. Brouwer, and J.A. McLachlan.  2001. Developmental exposure to anthracene and estradiol alters reproductive success in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Environmental Sciences 8:31-45.
  • Cheek, A.O., T.H., Brouwer, S. Carroll, S. Manning, J.A. McLachlan, and M. Brouwer. 2001. Experimental evaluation of vitellogenin as a predictive biomarker for reproductive disruption. Environmental Health Perspectives 109:681-690.
  • Bullard, S.A., S. Frasca, and G.W. Benz. 2001. Gill lesions associated with Erpocotyle tiburonis (Monogenea: Hexabothriidae) on wild and aquarium-held bonnethead sharks (Sphyrna tiburo). Journal of Parasitology 87(5):972-977.
  • Lotz, J. M., J. Davidson, and M.A. Soto. 2001. Two approaches to epidemiology in shrimp aquaculture disease control, pp 155–161. In: C. Browdy and D. Jory (eds). The New Wave, Proceedings of the Special Session on Sustainable Shrimp Culture. Aquaculture 2001. The World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
  • Soto, M. A., V. Shervette, and J.M. Lotz. 2001. Transmission of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) to Litopenaeus vannamei from infected cephalothorax, abdomen, or whole shrimp cadaver. Disease of Aquatic Organisms 45:81-87.
  • Soto, M.A. and J.M. Lotz. 2001. Epidemiological parameters of White Spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infections in Litopenaeus vannamei and L. setiferus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 78:9-15.
  • Hendon, J.R., M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. 2001. Seasonal distribution of gobiids in waters adjacent to estuarine marsh-edge habitats: Assessing the effects of habitat alteration. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:428-441.
  • Garber, N.M., A.F. Garber, K.C. Stuck and W.D. Grater. 2001. Mitochondrial control region of striped mullet, Mugil cephalus: A tool to restore marine fisheries resources. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:352-359.
  • Larsen, K.M., H.M. Perry, J.S. Warren and C.B. Trigg. 2001. Seasonal colonization of low profile artificial reefs in Թͷ coastal waters: Vertebrates. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:488-497.
  • Shervette, V., H.M. Perry, P. Biesiot, K. Larsen, and J. Warren. 2001. Build it, but will they come? Preliminary findings of refuge limitation bottlenecking in juvenile Menippe adina in the Թͷ Sound. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:531-540.
  • Franks, J.S., J.L. Shea, N.J. Brow-Peterson, M.S. Griggs, and K.M. Larsen. 2001. Attempts to enhance the contrast of presumed growth marks on sagittal otoliths from wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the northern Gulf of Mexico and Bimini, Bahamas. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:577-585.
  • Garber, A.F., K.C. Stuck, J.S. Franks, N.M. Garber, and D.R. Geter. 2001. Characterization of the mitochondrial DNA control region of the wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the northcentral Gulf of Mexico and Bimini, Bahamas. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:610-621.
  • Bullard, S.A. and R.M. Overstreet 2002. Potential pathological effects of blood flukes (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) on pen-reared marine fishes. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 53:10-25.
  • Curran, S.S., R.M. Overstreet, D.T. The, and N.T. Le. 2001. Singhiatrema vietnamensis sp. n. (Digenea: Ommatobrephidae) and Szidatia taiwanensis (Fischthal and Kuntz, 1975) comb. n. (Digenea: Cyathocotylidae) from colubrid snakes in Vietnam. Comparative Parasitology 68(2):219-227.
  • Larsen, K.M., H.M. Perry, J.S. Warren, and C.B. Trigg. 2001. Seasonal colonization of low profile artificial reefs in Թͷ coastal waters: Vertebrates. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:488-497.
  • Shervette, V., H.M. Perry, P. Beisiot, K. Larsen, and J. Warren. 2001. Build it, but will they come? Preliminary findings of refuge limitation bottlenecking in juvenile Menippe adina in the Թͷ Sound. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:531-540.
  • Franks, J.S., J.L. Shea, N.J. Brown-Peterson, M.S. Griggs, and K.M. Larsen. 2001. Attempts to enhance the contrast of presumed growth marks on sagittal otoliths from wahoo, Acanthocybium solandri, from the northern Gulf of Mexico and Bimini, Bahamas. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 52:577-585.
  • Lotz, J.M., J. Davidson, and M.A. Soto. 2001. Two approaches to epidemiology in shrimp aquaculture disease control, pp. 155-161. In: C. Browdy and D. Jory, eds. The New Wave, Proceedings of the Special Session on Sustainable Shrimp Culture. Aquaculture 2001. The World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, LA.


  • Hendon, J.R., M.S. Peterson, and B.H. Comyns. 2000. Spatio-temporal distribution of larval Gobiosoma bosc adjacent to natural and altered marsh-edge habitats of Թͷ coastal waters. Bulletin of Marine Science 66(1):143-156.
  • Peterson, M.S., B.H. Comyns, J.R. Hendon, P.A. Bond, and G.A. Duff. 2000. Habitat use by early life-history stages of fishes and crustaceans along a changing estuarine landscape: Differences between natural and altered shoreline sites. Wetlands Ecology and Management 8(2/3):209-219.
  • Peterson, M.S., L.C. Nicholson, G.L. Fulling, and D.J. Snyder. 2000. Catch-per-unit-effort, environmental conditions and spawning migration of Cycleptus meridionalis Burr and Mayden in coastal rivers of the northern Gulf of Mexico. The American Midland Naturalist 143(2):414-421.
  • Peterson, M.S., C.F. Rakocinski, B.H. Comyns, and G.L. Fulling. 2000. Laboratory growth responses of juvenile Mugil sp. to temperature and salinity: delineating optimal field growth conditions. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 51:341-352.
  • Brouwer, M., T. Hoexum Brouwer, and R.A. Syring. 2000. Novel forms of copper-metallothionein and antioxidant defense enzymes in crustacea that use copper for oxygen transport. Marine Environmental Research 50:103-106
  • Bullard, S.A., G.W. Benz, and J.S. Braswell. 2000. Dionchus postoncomiracidia (Monogenea: Dionchidae) from skin of blacktip sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus (Carcharhinidae). Journal of Parasitology 86(2):245-250.
  • Bullard, S.A. and R.M. Overstreet. 2000. Calicotyle californiensis n. sp. and Calicotyle urobati n. sp. (Monogenea: Calicotylinae) from elasmobranchs in the Gulf of California. Journal of Parasitology 86(5):939-944.
  • Bullard, S.A., G.W. Benz, R.M. Overstreet, E.H. Williams, Jr., and J. Hemdal. 2000. Six new host records and an updated list of wild hosts for Neobenedenia melleni (McCallum, 1927) (Monogenea: Capsalidae). Comparative Parasitology 67(2):190-196.
  • Bullard, S.A., S. Frasca, Jr., and G.W. Benz. 2000. Skin lesions caused by Dermophthirius penneri (Monogenea: Microbothriidae) on wild-caught blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus). Journal of Parasitology 86(3):618-622.
  • Benz, G.W., Z. Kabata, and S.A. Bullard. 2000. Margolisius abditus n. gen., n. sp. (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) from gill lamellae of a remora (Remora remora) collected in the Gulf of California. Journal of Parasitology 86(2):241-244.
  • Rakocinski, C.F., S.E. LeCroy, J.A. McClelland, and R.W. Heard. 2000.  Possible sustained effects of hurricanes Opal and Erin on the macrobenthos of nearshore habitats within the Gulf Islands National Seashore. Gulf and Caribbean Research 12:17-28.
  • Syring, R.A., T. Hoexum Brouwer, and M. Brouwer. 2000. Cloning and sequencing of cDNAs encoding for a novel copper-specific metallothionein and two cadmium-inducible metallothioneins from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C 125:325-332.
  • Curran, S.S. and R.M. Overstreet. 2000. Syncoelium vermilionensis sp. n. (Hemiuroidea: Syncoeliidae) and new records for members of Azygiidae, Ptychogonimidae, and Syncoeliidae parasitizing elasmobranchs in the Gulf of California, pp. 117-133.  In: Metazoan Parasites in the Neotropics: A Systematic and Ecological Perspective. G. Salgado-Maldonado, A.N. García Aldrete, and V.M. Vidal-Martínez (eds.). Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F.
  • Rocha-Olivares, A., N.M. Garber, and K.C. Stuck. 2000. High genetic diversity, large inter-oceanic divergence and historical demography of the striped mullet. Journal of Fish Biology 57:1134-49.


  • Gronen, S., N. Denslow, S. Manning, S. Barnes, D. Barnes, and M. Brouwer. 1999. Serum vitellogenin levels and reproductive impairment of male Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) exposed to 4-tert-octylphenol. Environmental Health Perspectives 107:385-390.
  • Snyder, D.J. and M.S. Peterson. 1999. Life history of a peripheral population of bluespotted sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus, with comments on geographic variation. The American Midland Naturalist 141(2):345-357.
  • Peterson, M.S., B.H. Comyns, C.F. Rakocinski, and G.L. Fulling. 1999. Does salinity affect growth in juvenile Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus (Linnaeus)? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 238:199-207.
  • Snyder, D.J. and M.S. Peterson. 1999. Foraging and prey selection by bluespotted sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus (Holbrook) in backwater, vegetated ponds in coastal Թͷ. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 14(2):187-196.
  • Fulling, G.L., M.S. Peterson, and G.J. Crego. 1999. Comparison of Breder traps and seines used to sample marsh nekton. Estuaries 22(2A):224-230.
  • Peterson, M.S., L.C. Nicholson, D.J. Snyder, and G.L. Fulling. 1999. Growth, spawning preparedness, and diet of Cycleptus meridionalis (Catostomidae). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128(5):900-908.


  • Geter, D.R., W.E. Hawkins, J.C. Means, and G.K. Ostrander. 1998. Pigmented skin tumors in gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) from the south-central United States: Range extension and further etiological studies. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17:2282-2287.