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Office of Research Integrity

Cayuse IRB Overview

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**Beginning sometime in early September, USM will be switching from Cayuse to a new IRB submission portal. The exact date of the switch is not yet certain; ORI will be continuing its work with programmers over the next few weeks. Protocols previously approved in Cayuse will not automatically transfer. If you plan to continue working on a previously approved project, you should download the protocol and all study materials in Cayuse now to reference later. Unsubmitted Cayuse protocols will not be saved.**
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InfoEd simplifies the review and submission process needed for studies involving human subjects. Additionally, InfoEd makes it easier for researchers to see where in the approval process a submission is. Using your single-log on USM credentials, you have can create, withdraw, modify, create incident reports, and close IRB protocols 24/7.
Once InfoEd has launched, we will add details on how to login. 
Can't login to InfoEd?
If you have tried to access InfoEd using your USM login (w123456: The "w" MUST be lowercase) and password, your user information may not yet be in the InfoEd system. To be added, please fill out the Uploads of new users will occur every Thursday night, and users will be able to sign in by the start of the following business day. A completed InfoEd IRB Registration Form must be completed by Wednesday to be uploaded that same week.
General InfoEd Questions? 
Please check the InfoEd FAQ page.

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Office of Research Integrity
International Center 418
Hattiesburg Campus

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