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Undergraduate Research

Capitalization Guidelines

Page Content

(adapted from )

Always capitalize:

  • First and last word of any title (How to Land Your Dream Job)
  • Nouns (Visiting Beautiful Ruins) 
  • Proper nouns (Hiking at the Grand Canyon)
  • Pronouns (As She Ran Away) 
  • Verbs - Walk, Talk, Are, Is, Am (The Importance of Learning Fast) 
  • Adjectives (The Poky Little Puppy) 
  • Adverbs (She Quietly Waits)
  • Subordinating conjunctions connecting dependent and independent clause – As, Because, That
  • First word following a colon (Feminine Poetry: Ten Women Writers from Around the World)
  • Preposition that is an important part of a phrasal verb (Turn Down the Heat to Save You Money)
  • First element of a hyphenated word; second/subsequent elements unless they are articles, prepositions, coordinating conjunctions, or following prefixes such as anti- and pre- that cannot stand alone (Bed-and-Breakfast Options in Savannah)

Do not capitalize:

  • Articles – a, an, the (To Catch a Thief) 
  • Prepositions of fewer than five letters – on, at, to, from, by, etc. (One Year in Paris) 
  • Coordinating conjunctions of fewer than five letters – and, but, or, for, nor, etc. (Magic and Daybreak) 


Contact a DCUR representative:

Dr.%20Sabine%20Heinhorst or Dr.%20Rebecca%20Tuuri for all questions about DCUR

Drapeau Center for Undergraduate Research
118 College Dr. #5162
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001



Undergraduate Symposium Logo

Contact a member of the UGS Planning Committee in your area of interest for questions related to conventions of presentations in your discipline.

Contact Dr.%20Rebecca%20Tuuri or Dr.%20Sabine%20Heinhorst for questions related to abstract submission or registration, UGS schedule or program, judging or moderating.

Contact Dr.%20Kelly%20Lester, Professor%20Allen%20Chen, Professor%20Jared%20Hollingsworth or Dr.%20Nicholas%20Ciraldo for questions related to the Arts Showcase.
Contact the Center%20for%20Community%20Engagement%20for all questions about community-engaged projects.